Tag: real estate
  • September

    Palmetto berries provide Army Corps of Engineers significant revenue

    Every year, Savannah District foresters allows a select contractor access to gather the berries. Prior to each season, the Directorate of Public Works Forestry Department at Fort Stewart identifies areas to be harvested and seeks the required environmental approval. Savannah District real estate foresters then oversees the operation by selling the available berries to the highest bidder. In a typical year, the Corps earns anywhere between $50,000 to $80,000 but this year was an especially good crop and earned more than $105,000, sold at the rate of $1.20 per pound.
  • June

    A new lease on life: Realty assistant aids Ebola response efforts in Liberia

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – No stranger to warfare in the jungles of Vietnam and the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, Angel Rivera set out on a familiar task in an unfamiliar territory that bred an enemy just as malignant as those he encountered as a career Soldier.
  • May

    Bartering for Better Buildings: Corps aids Army Reserve upgrades through private sector development

    In a time of shrinking federal budgets for military construction, how does the Army Reserve gain new facilities to train and equip their Soldiers? One solution gaining popularity is a Real Property Exchange (RPX)—and the benefits extend far beyond the Army.