Buxton FUDS pipe removal work completed, results pending
Larry Pluss, a subcontractor with Red Badger Underground, Inc., locator. Points out a location where he found an unknown anomaly using his ground penetrating radar at the former Buxton Naval Facility, a Formerly Used Defense Site located in Dare County, North Carolina. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, awarded a contract to remove a pipe thought to be the potential source that could have resulted in the odors, sheen, and contaminated organic material reported to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the National Park Service. The anomaly was not anything related to the pipe or the petroleum odors. The location was previously used by the Navy as a top secret listening post that detected and tracked enemy submarines from 1956-1982.

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Photo by: Cheri Dragos-Pritchard |  VIRIN: 240523-A-HT663-007.JPG