The Camp Croft FUDS is located in northwest SC, less than 10 miles southeast of downtown Spartanburg, SC. Between 1941 and 1944, Camp Croft was used as an infantry replacement training center for the Army Ground Forces, Fourth Service Command. Infantry units were trained along with artillery and mortar units. The United States acquired 19,044.46 acres, comprising 19,039.04 acres in fee, 5.42 acres in easement interests, six no-area easements, and two no-area licenses. Acquisition was accomplished by condemnation. Prior to DoD’s use, the land was used for a mix of woodlands, farms, and private residences. DoD declared the entire installation (just over 19,000 acres) surplus in November 1946, and subsequently excessed it in 1947. One of the most significant conveyances was approximately 7,054 acres conveyed by quitclaim deed to the SC Commission of Forestry. USACE has determined that Camp Croft Sate Park (formerly known as the Croft State Natural Area) is eligible for the FUDS program. The Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) Remedial Investigation (RI) for the Camp Croft FUDS was conducted under MRS 03 which, at the time, consisted of 12,337 acres. Based on evidence of munitions contamination, the RI investigation area was expanded to a total of approximately 13,295 acres.
Camp Croft IRTC was officially activated on 10 January 1941 and consisted of two general areas: a series of operational ranges; and a non-range area, including troop housing area for 20,000 trainees and support personnel; and attached administrative headquarters. Camp Croft served as one of the Army’s principal IRTCs; approximately 250,000 soldiers were trained at the facility. Camp Croft was also a prisoner-of-war camp during World War II.
USACE conducted Remedial Investigation (RI) fieldwork at the Camp Croft FUDS between January and October 2012. The RI, which characterized the nature and extent of munitions and MC-related contamination, included an ecological and human health risk assessment. USACE conducted the RI for the former Munitions Response Site (MRS) 1 (see Table 2-1, below), and portions of former MRS 3, Area of Potential Interest (AoPI) 8, AoPI 9E, AoPI 10A, AoPI 10B, and AoPI 11C. Areas for which property owners denied rights-of-entry included former MRS 2 and portions of former MRS 3, AoPI 3, AoPI 5, AoPI 9G, AoPI 11B, and AoPI 11D. During the RI, USACE removed 39 UXO, a discarded military munition, and approximately 2,900 pounds of Munitions Debris.
Munitions and related debris (e.g., MD, range-related debris) are present in many locations across the Camp Croft FUDS. Historical evidence USACE collected during previous munitions responses were combined with the RI’s findings to develop a comprehensive understanding of the nature and extent of munitions and MC.
Camp Croft had at least 12 operational ranges used for live-fire training. Live-fire training was conducted with small arms ammunition (i.e., ammunition, without projectiles that contain explosives (other than tracers), that is .50 caliber or smaller, or for shotguns), anti-tank rockets, anti-aircraft artillery, 60 mm infantry mortars, and 81 mm infantry mortars. The training range impact areas that comprised 16,929 acres are classified as the former range impact areas; a 167- acre cantonment area and a 175-acre grenade court were also located at the camp.
Eighteen MEC (60 and 81mm mortars) and MD (60mm and 81mm mortars, grenades, and undifferentiated fragments) were discovered during the RI. The maximum depth of MEC recovered was 15 inches bgs. No explosives were detected, and no metals detections exceeded the project action limits.
Munitions may remain present for long periods of time. Several factors influence the possible migration of munitions from a site. These may include erosion and inappropriate and unsafe human activity, in which people pick up and move munitions