Wetland Delineations

To request an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD), Aquatic Resource Delineation Review (ARDR), or Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD), please see the Apply for a permit or JD link to the right!

The Corps of Engineers receives thousands of requests each year to perform wetland delineations for potential applicants for permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Due to limited staff and resources, response time can be several months or longer. To expedite this process, the District encourages applicants to utilize environmental consultants to conduct wetland delineations, especially for large and/or complex areas.

Corps Headquarters has posted helpful guidance, tools and technical materials within the following links:



Contact Us

Coastal Branch:  (912)-652-5893
Piedmont Branch:  (678)-422-2735

Email: cesas-rd@usace.army.mil