Field inspections are conducted to check compliance with permit conditions. Most field inspections are conducted in the company of the consultant for the project. Permission from the property owner must be obtained prior to any field inspection requiring access to private property.
When a project receives a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), it will be conditioned to allow representatives from the USACE to inspect the authorized activity and any mitigation, preservation, or avoidance areas at any time deemed necessary to ensure that the project meets the terms and conditions of the permit. Site inspections may be conducted before, during and after the construction of the proposed project and/or mitigation areas.
Certificate of Compliance
For those projects that are in noncompliance and legal action is appropriate, Class I Administrative Penalties cannot exceed the amount stated within regulation (33 CFR 326.6(a)). As of 2009, Class I Administrative Penalties cannot exceed $27,500. If the penalty amount exceeds the Class I Administrative Penalty, then the USACE will recommend a civil penalty to the US Attorney. The assessment of Class I Administrative Penalty or the recommendation of a civil penalty for noncompliance does not close the action. Rather, a penalty is for failure to follow the permit and all of the national, regional, and special conditions of said permit.