Brunswick Harbor Federal Project Actions

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Expand List item 27883Collapse List item 27883  Brunswick Deepening Andrews Island Mitigation Closeout Report

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, has prepared this final report of the Brunswick Harbor Deepening Project mitigation effort. The mitigation requirements for the Brunswick Harbor Deepening Project were based on two different types of environmental impacts: Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) and wetlands. The harbor deepening was completed in late August 2008. Once the mitigation actions at Andrew’s Island were completed, Savannah District monitored the wetland restoration sites for five years to ensure that the restoration was performing as required. Monitoring was performed between 2011 and 2016 and tracked wetland restoration progress by measuring the percent of vegetation coverage. 

The report can be viewed here.

Expand List item 27884Collapse List item 27884  Brunswick Harbor Modification Study

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Brunswick Harbor Modifications Feasibility Study in Glynn County, Georgia.

Expand List item 27885Collapse List item 27885  Brunswick Harbor Modifications Study Feasibility Cost Share Agreement

This Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) describes the project and the responsibilities of the Government and the non-Federal sponsor in the cost sharing and execution of the Brunswick Harbor Modifications Study in Glynn County, Georgia.

View Agreement

Expand List item 28291Collapse List item 28291  SARBO Risk Assessment for Regional Harbor Dredging Contract 5.0

The Corps completed a Pre-Construction Risk Assessment in accordance with the 2020 South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (SARBO) for Maintenance Dredging of Wilmington, Morehead City, Charleston, Savannah, and Brunswick Harbors in Fiscal Year 2022.

View Assessment

Expand List item 27705Collapse List item 27705  Brunswick Harbor Navigation Project Modifications and Harbor Dredging Operations and Maintenance, Integrated Feasibility Report (IFR) and Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Glynn County, Georgia

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared an Integrated Feasibility Report (IFR)/Environmental Assessment (EA) and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) under the authority of Section 1201 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, for the Brunswick Harbor Navigation Project Modifications and Harbor Dredging Operations and Maintenance in Glynn County, Georgia. The IFR-EA presents the results of the study, an analysis of the impacts of the proposed measures on the environment, and an evaluation of the effects of continued operations and maintenance (O&M).

Expand List item 33245Collapse List item 33245  Brunswick Harbor Modifications Project Jekyll Island Fishing Pier Shoreline Nourishment Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) as amended, has prepared a final Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) that evaluates the beneficial use of dredged material for a shoreline nourishment project southwest of the Jekyll Island Fishing Pier.  USACE, in collaboration with the Jekyll Island Authority, has designed the proposed action for the purpose of providing protection to the adjacent shoreline from erosion.

Noyes Cut Project Actions

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Expand List item 36374Collapse List item 36374  Noyes Cut FONSI and Integrated Feasibility Report and Appendices

Noyes Cut is an Ecosystem Restoration Project authorized for construction under the Continuing Authorities Program (Section 1135 Ecosystem Restoration). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) as amended, has prepared a final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (IFREA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) that evaluates the restoration of natural hydrology within the Satilla River Estuary.

View Report

Expand List item 36375Collapse List item 36375  Noyes Cut Post-Construction Year 1 Report

Noyes Cut is an Ecosystem Restoration Project authorized for construction under the Continuing Authorities Program (Section 1135 Ecosystem Restoration). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, has prepared the Year 1 Post-Construction Monitoring Report in accordance with the Monitoring Plan described in the Noyes Cut FONSI and Integrated Feasibility Report.

View Report

Expand List item 36373Collapse List item 36373  Noyes Cut Review Plan

Noyes Cut is an Ecosystem Restoration Project authorized for construction under the Continuing Authorities Program (Section 1135 Ecosystem Restoration). This Review Plan defines the scope of review activities required during the design process for the three closure structures for this project (Noyes Cut, Dynamite Cut, and Old River Run). The review activities are defined in USACE guidance and include District Quality Control, Agency Technical Review, and Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Sustainability Review.

View Plan

Savannah Harbor Federal Project Actions

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Expand List item 27878Collapse List item 27878  Birds of the Savannah Harbor Navigation Project

The report summarizes the results of bird surveys conducted in the Savannah Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Areas. The surveys began in 1988 and were conducted on a monthly basis from 1994 to 2012. The majority of these surveys were conducted by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District Biologist J. Stevan (Steve) Calver. The resulting dataset represents over 20 years of information on the relative abundance and species diversity of seasonal bird communities using habitats created by dredged material deposition through USACE maintenance dredging in the Savannah Harbor. Such long-term datasets are relatively rare in ecological studies and therefore provides important documentation on the beneficial role of dredged material as a substrate for avian habitat, plus basic population and habitat use observations on dozens of important and declining bird species, including species federally listed as threatened or endangered, or otherwise sensitive and in need of conservation.

Expand List item 27881Collapse List item 27881  Restore Dredge Material Containment Area (DMCA) 1N Onslow Island

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District completed a final Environmental Assessment for a project to restore the Savannah Harbor dredged material containment area (DMCA) 1N (Onslow Island). In partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the project will allow the Corps to store dredged material in the site while also creating wildlife habitat. The area was used for dredge disposal from the mid 1970's until the late 1990's but has since become overgrown with vegetation, including invasive species. The Environmental Assessment evaluates the impacts and benefits of establishing and maintaining wildlife habitats in this area, for which the Corps could receive mitigation credits in the same manner as the DMCA's in South Carolina.

Click links below to view documents:

Signed Finding of No Significant Impact - (FONSI)

Final Environmental Assessment - Rehabilitation of DMCA 1N (Onslow Island)

Appendix A - Environmental Sampling Results

Appendix B - Responses to public comments on Draft EA

Appendix C - Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

Expand List item 27882Collapse List item 27882  Savannah Harbor Dredge Disposal Areas

(Reserved for future Review Plans)

Expand List item 27879Collapse List item 27879  Savannah Harbor Long Term Management Strategy

These documents define the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers long term management strategy for operating and maintaining the Savannah Harbor federal shipping channel:

Savannah Harbor Long Term Management Strategy and Final Environmental Impact Statement (1996)

All Appendices

Appendix Q - Public Comments

Expand List item 27707Collapse List item 27707  Savannah Harbor Navigation Project, Mitigation Recovery

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts of proposed mitigation recovery for the Savannah Harbor Navigation Project.

Finding of No Significant Impact (Draft)
Environmental Assessment of Savannah Harbor Navigation Project Mitigation Recovery (Draft)
Draft EA Appendix A: Assessment of Potential Wildlife Habitat Improvements at Savannah National Wildlife Refuge

Expand List item 27877Collapse List item 27877  Savannah River Basin Level 4 Drought Operations Study

After reviewing public and agency comments received in the spring of 2011, the Savannah District has completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for operations during Level 4 drought conditions on the Savannah River. Level 4 is the most severe of drought conditions under the Savannah District's Water Management Plan.

The Savannah River basin has never reached Level 4 conditions since the construction of the first major hydropower dam on the Savannah River in 1954. The Corps’ drought management plan was designed to prevent the three-reservoir system from ever reaching level 4. This EA clarifies actions to be taken in the unlikely event that drought conditions reach this unprecedented level.

The EA concluded that the daily average releases from the Thurmond Dam will be adjusted from 3,600 cfs to 3,100 cfs from Nov. 1 through the month of January, in the event that Level 4 is ever reached. The new Level 4 operations will: 

  • Extend the period over which the pools would be depleted;
  • Extend the period over which the minimal environmental flows are available downstream; and
  • Reduce recovery time for all three reservoirs

 A copy of the EA and FONSI, and appendices can be found at the links below:

Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact 

Expand List item 27880Collapse List item 27880  Shortnose Sturgeon and Gravel Bars in the Savannah River

The Savannah District sought, obtained, and used funds from the American Resource and Recovery Act (ARRA) to answer some long-standing environmental and water resource questions on the Savannah River. The District contracted with regional organizations to perform the work. The reports of those organizations can be viewed below:

Evaluation of Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Savannah River. This investigation was conducted by the firm Dial Cordy and Associates. The study consisted of (1) Measuring and documenting the river depths, (2) Characterizing and quantifying the bottom substrate, (3) Measuring and characterizing flow velocities, (4) Using that information to assess the suitability of the bottom substrates as spawning habitats for Shortnose sturgeon, and (5) Characterizing the bottom substrate at the Augusta Shoals. This work is the first quantitative assessment of Shortnose sturgeon spawning habitat in the Savannah River in many years and it used published NOAA guidance that define acceptable spawning habitat. VIEW REPORT

Evaluation of Sediment Dynamics at Gravel Bars Used for Spawning in the Savannah River. This investigation was conducted by the University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. The study was identified changes in sedimentation of gravel bars over the course of a year, and short term changes that occur in response to specific flow events. The Corps sought this information to assess the likely effectiveness of using a pulsed release prior to the fish spawning season to clean the gravel bars to expand the quantity of suitable spawning habitat. The investigation also provided information on the likely duration of effect of a cleaned spawning site. VIEW REPORT

Evaluation of Preferential Fish Use of Cleaned Gravel Bars in the Savannah River. This investigation was conducted by the South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. This investigation assessed the feasibility of cleaning two gravel bars located downstream of the Corps dams and the preferential use of the cleaned areas for fish spawning. This information would be used to assess the technical feasibility of cleaning gravel bars, the effectiveness of that procedure to enhance the value of a spawning site for fish, and the costs of such an operation on a larger scale. VIEW REPORT 

Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

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Expand List item 27864Collapse List item 27864  Comments and Responses to Memorandum of Agreement regarding the Fish Passage for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

View comments and responses here.

Expand List item 27866Collapse List item 27866  Final Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Fish Passage at the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Post Authorization Analysis and Supplemental Environmental Assessment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared a Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact to evaluate the potential impacts of modifying the previously-approved Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Fish Passage Mitigation feature.  The proposed modifications to the Fish Passage feature of the SHEP includes a river-wide in-channel fish passage consisting of a fixed crest weir with a rock ramp sloping upstream from the existing dam location and includes a low-lying floodplain bench on the Georgia side to provide additional high flow conveyance.

Expand List item 27862Collapse List item 27862  FONSI and Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment; Savannah Harbor Expansion Project; Cadmium-laden Dredged Sediments

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts of placing cadmium-laden dredged sediments in Dredged Material Containment Areas 14A and 14B in a moist (inundated) but not flooded condition as part of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP). This SEA supplements the SHEP Final Environmental Impact Statement and signed Record of Decision.

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Expand List item 27875Collapse List item 27875  McCoy's Cut Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts of modifying the previously-approved SHEP McCoys Cut Mitigation Flow Re-routing Plan.  The modifications consist of additional dredging in Middle River to provide the flows designed in the 2012 FEIS, and to beneficially use the dredged sediments to create approximately nine acres of intertidal wetlands. The remaining balance of dredged sediment will be placed either in existing upland DMCAs or in a portion of the Sediment Basin, which is another flow re-routing feature of SHEP. This SEA supplements the SHEP Final Environmental Impact Statement and signed Record of Decision.

View Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Expand List item 27869Collapse List item 27869  Memorandum of Agreement regarding the Fish Passage for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project  

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended, to resolve adverse effects to a historic property resulting from the fish passage feature of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP).  The Corps is issuing this public notice as part of its responsibilities under 36 CFR 800, the regulations implementing Section 106 of the NHPA, as amended. 

Expand List item 27872Collapse List item 27872  Modifications to Raw Water Storage Impoundment, Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

Previous studies concluded that construction of the SHEP would increase salinity and chloride concentrations in the Savannah River Estuary, including Abercorn Creek. To compensate for potential impacts to the City of Savannah’s Industrial and Domestic Water Treatment Plant in Port Wentworth, Ga., from increases in salinity at their raw water intake in Abercorn Creek, a Raw Water Storage
Impoundment was included as part of the SHEP.

Detailed design studies performed by Savannah District after completion of the SHEP EIS indicate that modifications are needed to the location and design of the impoundment. A parcel near Interstate Highway 95 and the City of Savannah’s raw water pipeline was identified as the best location.

Click the links below to view the final Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, and supporting documents:


Final Environmental Assessment - Raw Water Storage Impoundment

Appendix A - Figures

Appendix B - Protected Species List

Appendix C - Coordination and Permits

Appendix D - Wildlife Hazardous Management Plan

Appendix E - 404 (b)(1) Evaluation

Appendix F - Joint Public Notice

Appendix G - Wetland Mitigation Plan

Expand List item 27874Collapse List item 27874  Public notice on proposed modifications to McCoys Cut flow re-routing feature of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts of modifying the previously-approved SHEP Mitigation Flow Re-routing Plan.  The modifications consist of additional dredging in Middle River to provide the flows designed in the 2012 FEIS, and to beneficially use the dredged sediments to create approximately nine acres of intertidal wetlands. The remaining balance of dredged sediment will be placed either in existing upland DMCAs or in a portion of the Sediment Basin, which is another flow re-routing feature of SHEP.

Signed Public Notice

McCoys Cut Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Draft FONSI

Expand List item 27860Collapse List item 27860  Report on the Dissolved Oxygen Injection System Testing (Start Up Run)
Expand List item 27863Collapse List item 27863  Report on the test of the downriver Dissolved Oxygen Plant

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, completed the testing of the SHEP Dissolved Oxygen Injection Plant on Hutchinson Island. Below are the Water Column Transfer Efficiency and Test Run Reports.

Expand List item 30112Collapse List item 30112  Revised Report on the Dissolved Oxygen Injection System Testing (Revised Start Up Run)
Expand List item 27867Collapse List item 27867  Savannah District requests information on the location of utility crossings for the Savannah Harbor Expansion
Expand List item 27873Collapse List item 27873  Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) Fish Passage at New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Integrated Post Authorization Analysis Report and Environmental Assessment

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) Fish Passage at New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam (NSBLD) Integrated Post-Authorization Analysis Report and Environmental Assessment.  The SHEP Fish Passage is an environmental mitigation feature that addresses adverse impacts to shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon, and fulfills compliance with the Endangered Species Act. The approved 2012 SHEP General Reevaluation Report (GRR) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) included the recommendation for construction of a Fish Passage around the NSBLD.  This Review Plan covers the analyses that Savannah District will perform to update the Fish Passage design to comply Section 1319 of the 2016 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act.


Expand List item 27871Collapse List item 27871  Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Post Authorization Change Report

The Review Plan for the SHEP Cost PACR provides a series of peer review actions to ensure quality products are developed. The RP is intended to describe the processes that will be implemented to evaluate, independently from the Project Team, the technical sufficiency of the cost update and is a component of the latest Project Management Plan.

Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Post Authorization Change Report

Expand List item 27861Collapse List item 27861  SHEP Land Acquisition Final Report

This is a closeout report for SHEP's land acquisition environmental mitigation requirement. The feature involved the Georgia Department of Transportation acquiring the 2,080-acre property on Abercorn Island and transferring the to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The transfer of the Abercorn Island tract secures preservation of a total of 2,256 acres of freshwater wetlands – the most dynamic and beneficial kind of wetland in the coastal region. The two tracts slightly exceed SHEP’s requirement to acquire and preserve 2,245 acres of wetlands.

Download the full report here.

Expand List item 27870Collapse List item 27870  SHEP Modification to Fish Passage Feature at the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Notice of an evaluation it is conducting for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Modification to Fish Passage Feature at the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam. 

Read the full Public Notice

Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Federal Project Actions

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Expand List item 27859Collapse List item 27859  Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Dredged Material Management Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District, has completed a new 20-year Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP), an Environmental Assessment (EA), and has signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for its portion of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) between Port Royal Sound, South Carolina and Cumberland Sound, Georgia.


To view the relevant documents, click the links below:

Final EA and Signed FONSI
Appendix A: Correspondence
Appendix B: Threatened and Endangered Species
Appendix C: Coastal Zone South Carolina
Appendix D: Coastal Zone South Carolina
Appendix E: Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation
Appendix F: Essential Fish Habitat
Appendix G: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report
Appendix H: Real Estate
Appendix I: Costs
Appendix J: Economics
Appendix K: Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement
Appendix L: Comments on Draft Report

Expand List item 31914Collapse List item 31914  Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Federal Navigation Channel Cumberland Dividings Maintenance Dredging Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

The Corps is proposing to conduct maintenance dredging of shoaled areas within the Cumberland Dividings area of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), from river miles 704.5 through 709.5, and has developed placement alternatives that consider previously used upland placement sites as well as beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) placement areas consistent with Section 125 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020.

Approximately 316,000 cubic yards of sediment will be removed from the channel utilizing Hydraulic cutterhead dredges. The Corps is proposing placement of dredged material at one preferred site that would restore a highly eroded island habitat. The proposed location was chosen with consideration toward cultural, environmental, economic, and recreational resources.

Hartwell Lake Project

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Expand List item 27892Collapse List item 27892  Draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, Hart State Park

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for additional development proposed at Hart State Park in Hartwell, Georgia. The report evaluates potential impacts of additional outdoor recreation development at Hart State Park.

Expand List item 33911Collapse List item 33911  Hartwell Lake Draft Integrated Water Storage Supply Reallocation Report and Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) as amended, has prepared this Draft Integrated Water Supply Storage Reallocation Report (IWSSRR) and Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the reallocation of 10,414 acre-feet of conservation storage in Hartwell Lake to water supply storage with return flow credit. USACE is seeking public comment on the Draft IWSSRR/EA and Draft FONSI and requests comments by April 4, 2024.

Expand List item 27890Collapse List item 27890  Lake Hartwell Water Supply Storage Reallocation Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

The Corps presently operates and manages three Congressionally-authorized multi-purpose dam and reservoir projects on the Savannah River.  They include:  Hartwell Dam and Lake, Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake, and J. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake.  This study will evaluate the reallocation in Lake Hartwell in response to requests to meet the needs of four entities - Anderson Regional Joint Water Supply, Pioneer Rural Water District, City of Lavonia and Currahee Club.  The three reservoirs are operated as a system, so impacts to project purposes will be evaluated across the system.

Expand List item 27858Collapse List item 27858  Notice of Availability of the Master Plan, Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Master Plan for Hartwell Lake Dam and Project, Georgia and South Carolina (Hart, Franklin, and Stephens Counties in Georgia and Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens Counties in South Carolina).
Expand List item 27891Collapse List item 27891  Regional Economic Analysis of Changing Lake Levels - Lake Hartwell

This report documents the regional economic impacts of changing lake levels and drought conditions on the six county region bordering Lake Hartwell. Lake Hartwell is a United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) impoundment of the Savannah River constructed between 1955 and 1963 as a part of a flood control, navigation and hydropower project on the borders of South Carolina and Georgia. In addition to the original reasons for its creation, the lake is widely used today for tourism and recreation and is a key element in regional water quality, water supply, and fish and wildlife management efforts.

As the economic role of Lake Hartwell has evolved, it has become necessary to characterize the relationship between the lake and general economic activity in the surrounding region. Two major droughts between 1998 and 2008 focused concerns on lake level management and the effect of prolonged low water levels on the region. An earlier study and anecdotal evidence from project stakeholders suggested that low lake levels were causing a large negative impact on the local economy, especially in counties adjacent to the lake.

View the full report here.

Richard B. Russell Lake Project

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Expand List item 27851Collapse List item 27851  Draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI, Richard B. Russell Lake Master Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts  of updating the Master Plan for Richard B. Russell Lake.  

J. Strom Thurmond Lake Project

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Expand List item 28791Collapse List item 28791  Notice of Availability of the Master Plan, Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Master Plan for Thurmond Project
Expand List item 27854Collapse List item 27854  Plan for Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy Reduction at J. Strom Thurmond Lake

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) and Management Plan to evaluate the potential impacts of managing hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) within J. Strom Thurmond Lake (also known as Clarks Hill Lake) to reduce occurrences of Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).

To view the Management Plan, EA and supporting documents, click the links below:

Expand List item 27893Collapse List item 27893  Shoreline Management Plan for J. Strom Thurmond Lake>

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI to evaluate the potential impacts of updating the Shoreline Management Plan for J. Strom Thurmond Lake.

J. Strom Thurmond Shoreline Plan Revision 2016

Draft Environmental Assessment Shoreline Management Plan

Draft Finding of No Significant Impact

Shoreline Allocation Maps - Draft 2016

Public Notice

Savannah River Below Augusta Federal Project Actions

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Expand List item 27897Collapse List item 27897  New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam (NSBL&D), Georgia and South Carolina, Section 216 Disposition Study, Feasibility Report. View Report Here and Memorandum for Commander

Training Wall

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Expand List item 27901Collapse List item 27901  Review Plan, Savannah River Below Augusta, Training Wall Disposition Study, Augusta, GA

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Savannah River Below Augusta (SRBA) Training Wall Disposition Study as authorized by Section 216 of the 1970 Flood Control Act (P.L. 91-611).

Expand List item 27902Collapse List item 27902  Savannah River Below Augusta Training Wall Draft Integrated Disposition Study (IDS) and Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Augusta, GA and North Augusta, SC

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared a draft Integrated Disposition Study (IDS)/Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) under the authority of Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-611) for the Savannah River Below Augusta, Training Wall Disposition, Augusta, Georgia and North Augusta, South Carolina (Training Wall). The draft IDS/EA includes the evaluation that the Corps performed to determine whether federal interests exists to retain or dispose of the Training Wall and its associated navigation features.

SRBA Ecosystem Restoration Project

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Expand List item 27903Collapse List item 27903  Savannah River Below Augusta (SRBA) Ecosystem Restoration Project

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Savannah River Below Augusta (SRBA) Ecosystem Restoration Project to determine the feasibility of restoring river bends cutoff related to the SRBA Navigation Project.


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The Procedural Review Plan applies to low-impact alterations proposed to civil works projects in the Savannah District. Project proposals requiring Type II IEPR due to life safety concerns or those requiring more complex reviews potentially resulting in changes to Federal project operations or the maintenance thereof will require the development of a project specific review plan. This procedural review plan complies with applicable policy, and has been coordinated with the CEIWR-RMC and CESAD.

This Review Plan includes the general scope and level of peer review for Satilla Watershed, Georgia, Flood Risk Management, Feasibility study.

Savannah District is evaluating potential changes to the Drought Plan for the Corps' reservoir projects on the Savannah River under the Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study. This document shows the present schedule for that study. The study is being performed as a cooperative effort between the Corps, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, and The Nature Conservancy.

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Noyes Cut, Georgia, Environmental Improvements, Section 1135 Feasibility Study.

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Macon GA Section 205 Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) study.

Expand List item 28160Collapse List item 28160  BRAC Fort McPherson, FTMP-13/15 FOST Amendment

The purpose of this Amendment is to update the Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) dated 19FEB21 to amend Enclosure 9, Paragraph 1.(4).  Information for environmental remediation of FTMP-13 was inadvertently vague in the Environmental Protection Provisions (EPPs) of the FOST. The FOST Amendment is necessary to update that portion of the FOST.

View Amendment

Expand List item 32471Collapse List item 32471  Brunswick Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) 2023 Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP)

This draft SMMP includes provisions to ensure that dredged material ocean disposal activities will not unreasonably degrade the marine environment or endanger human health.

View Plan

Expand List item 27923Collapse List item 27923  Department of Defense Education Activity Ramey Unit School Reconstruction and Demolition in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

This DRAFT Environmental Assessment covers environmental impacts associated with construction of the new Ramey Unit School and the demolition of the existing school buildings, located in the USCG Air Station Borinquen, site of the former Ramey Air Force Base in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

Expand List item 36131Collapse List item 36131  Disposition Study for Multiple Waterways in Coastal Georgia Integrated Report/Environmental Assessment (UPDATED 8/15/2024)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District (Corps) evaluated two alternatives, including the No Action Alternative (NAA) and Action Alternative to deauthorize nine waterways in Coastal Georgia that no longer meet Congressionally authorized purposes and provide national security needs. Those waterways include the Altamaha River, Bellville Point Harbor, Darien Harbor, Fancy Bluff Creek, Ocmulgee River, Oconee River, Sapelo Harbor, Satilla River, and St. Marys River. The recommended plan includes deauthorization of the waterways. The federal interest has ceased and deauthorization would not result in significant impacts on the human environment. Environmental protections would continue under state jurisdiction and accompanying federal laws.

View Report

Public notice

Notice of Public Meeting and Comment Period Extension (Updated 8/15/24)


Expand List item 30690Collapse List item 30690  Draft Environmental Assessment for U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Research Service Tifton Campus Consolidation and Modernization Project

The USDA-ARS is proposing a consolidation and modernization project for the Project Site. The project would provide more  laboratory and administrative space on the Project Site and would reduce the amount of leased space from UGA. The project would include demolishing outdated structures, constructing new and modern buildings, renovating the largest laboratory building on the Project Site, and upgrading utility and roadway infrastructure.

View Report

Expand List item 31999Collapse List item 31999  DRAFT FINAL FINDING OF SUITABILITY TO TRANSFER (FOST) for Fort Gillem, Georgia, North Landfill Area, FTG-01

Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) is to document the environmental suitability of the North Landfill Area Property (hereafter “the Property”) at Fort Gillem for transfer to the Urban Redevelopment Agency of the City of Forest Park consistent with Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Section 120(h) and Department of Defense policy. In addition, the FOST includes the CERCLA Notice, Covenant, and Access Provisions and other Deed Provisions and the Environmental Protection Provisions (EPPs) necessary to protect human health or the environment after such transfer.

View Report

Expand List item 32748Collapse List item 32748  Draft Final Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) Fort Gillem, Georgia

The purpose of this Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) is to document the environmental suitability of the Southeast Burial Sites Property (hereafter “the Property”) at Fort Gillem, Georgia for transfer to the Urban Redevelopment Agency of the City of Forest Park (URA) consistent with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Section 120(h) and Department of Defense (DoD) policy. In addition, the FOST includes the CERCLA Notice, Covenant, and Access Provisions, other Deed Provisions, and the Environmental Protection Provisions (EPPs) necessary to protect human health or the environment after such transfer is complete.

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Expand List item 30676Collapse List item 30676  Draft Final Proposed Plan FTG-01, North Landfill Area, Fort Gillem, Forest Park, Georgia

The U.S. Army invites the public to review and comment on this Proposed Plan (PP), which documents the Army’s Preferred Remedial Alternative that addresses environmental contamination associated with historical activities at the North Landfill Area (NLA), FTG-01, at Fort Gillem, Forest Park, Georgia. The PP also summarizes environmental investigations and human health and ecological risk assessments completed to date at FTG-01.

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Expand List item 31381Collapse List item 31381  Draft Final Proposed Plan FTG-07, Burial Site No.1, Fort Gillem, Forest Park, Georgia

The Department of the Army invites the public to review and comment on the Proposed Plan (PP) for Burial Site No. 1, FTG-07, at Fort Gillem in Forest Park, Georgia. The PP presents the U.S. Army’s (Army) Preferred Remedial Alternative that addresses contaminated groundwater at FTG-07. The PP describes investigations, cleanup activities, and risk to human health at the FTG-07 Site.

The Department of the Army invites the public to review and comment on the Proposed Plan (PP) for Burial Site No. 1, FTG-07, at Fort Gillem in Forest Park, Georgia. The PP presents the U.S. Army’s (Army) Preferred Remedial Alternative that addresses contaminated groundwater at FTG-07. The PP describes investigations, cleanup activities, and risk to human health at the FTG-07 Site.

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Expand List item 27918Collapse List item 27918  Final Environmental Assessment: Wildwood Park, Columbia County, Ga.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has completed its Environmental Assessment (EA) of a proposed increased development of Wildwood Park on the J. Strom Thurmond Lake, in Columbia County, Georgia. Columbia County presently operates the park and has requested the increased development. Savannah District approved the increased development and has updated the Thurmond Lake Master Plan to accommodate the increased development. The Corps will work with Columbia County and amend the County's lease to operate the Park with this additional development.

Wildwood Park Final Environmental Assessment

Expand List item 27924Collapse List item 27924  Former Camp Wheeler, Macon, Georgia Proposed Plan

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative to address the potential remaining munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) at the at the Former Camp Wheeler (FCW) Munitions Range Site R07H, also known as “Benning Range”, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I0GA003305 located in Macon, Georgia.

Virtual Public Meeting for Camp Wheeler Proposed Plan
Wednesday, August 12, 2020  7:00pm Eastern
Meeting #:  (888) 363-4735
Access Code: 5633113
Security Code: 5872

Expand List item 32161Collapse List item 32161  Former Conway Bombing and Gunnery Range, Conway , South Carolina Proposed Plan (Project 07)

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred alternative at the Former Conway BGR, Project 07, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I04SC002507, located in Conway, South Carolina.

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Expand List item 35726Collapse List item 35726  Former Conway Bombing and Gunnery Range, Conway, South Carolina Proposed Plan (Project 10)

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the no action determination at the Former Conway BGR, Project 10, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I04SC002510, located in Conway, South Carolina.

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Expand List item 30262Collapse List item 30262  Former Conway Bombing and Gunnery Range, Conway, South Carolina Proposed Plan

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Conway BGR, Projects 03 and 05, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Projects No. I04SC002503 and I04SC002505, located in Conway, South Carolina.

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Expand List item 30095Collapse List item 30095  Former Donaldson Air Force Base, Greenville, South Carolina Proposed Plan

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Donaldson Air Force Base Area of Concern 8, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I04SC009606 located in Greenville, South Carolina.

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Expand List item 27926Collapse List item 27926  Former Spencer Artillery Range Spencer/Van Buren County, Tennessee

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to revie

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative to address the potential remaining munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) at the at the Former Spencer Artillery Range Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. G04TN0174 located in Spencer, Tennessee.

Savannah District > About > Divisions and Offices > Planning Division > Plans and Reports

Expand List item 28084Collapse List item 28084  Former Travis Field, Savannah, Georgia Proposed Plan

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Travis Field Landfills, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I0GA058700 located in Savannah, Georgia.

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Expand List item 28083Collapse List item 28083  Former Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia Proposed Plan

This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Turner Air Force Base Waste Disposal Sites, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I0GA039701 located in Albany, Georgia. This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Turner Air Force Base Waste Disposal Sites, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I0GA039701 located in Albany, Georgia. This Proposed Plan is being presented by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to allow the public to review and comment on the preferred remedial alternative at the Former Turner Air Force Base Waste Disposal Sites, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Project No. I0GA039701 located in Albany, Georgia.

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Expand List item 36099Collapse List item 36099  Fort Liberty Environmental Restoration Record of Decision for Pope AAF Golf Course Pesticide Site

This decision document presents the Selected Remedy for Pope Army Airfield Golf Course Pesticide Site (CCFTBR-H), in Fort Liberty, Cumberland County, North Carolina.

Expand List item 27925Collapse List item 27925  FRF Annex EA for ERDC in Duck, NC Short Description

ERDC wants to build an annex at the Field Research Facility in Duck, NC and has requested an Environmental Assessment be completed to comply with NEPA requirements.

Expand List item 27911Collapse List item 27911  Lower Savannah River Basin Restoration Post-Construction Monitoring Report

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District has completed its monitoring of the Lower Savannah River Basin Environmental Restoration Project. This final closeout out report documents the results of that monitoring effort. The restoration project was intended to help restore flows into Bear Creek, which flows into Abercorn Creek. The project was intended to rehydrate about 4,500 acres of bottomland hardwoods in the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, improve overall water quality in Bear Creek, and decrease chloride levels at the City of Savannah’s water intake. Once the project was constructed, five years of post-construction monitoring were performed to document the effectiveness of the project. Monitoring efforts began in 2004 and ended in 2016.

  • View the report here
Expand List item 27915Collapse List item 27915  New Operating Agreement with Duke Energy - Savannah River Basin

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District completed its actions to evaluate and update a new operating agreement with Duke Energy. The new operating agreement would equalize the percent of remaining usable storage capacity at Duke Energy’s Jocassee and Keowee Lakes during droughts with the remaining usable storage at the Corps of Engineers’ Hartwell, Richard B. Russell, and J. Strom Thurmond Reservoirs.

Click here to view the Final EA and supporting documents. 

Expand List item 27912Collapse List item 27912  PMF Analysis for Savannah River Multipurpose Projects

This study analyzed the ability of our three dams to contain the greatest rain event the basin could expect, with a section that addressed the feasibility of reducing the winter drawdown two feet. See full report here.

Expand List item 31441Collapse List item 31441  Proposed Plan Burial Site No. 3, FTG-09 Fort Gillem, Forest Park, Georgia

The Department of the Army invites the public to review and comment on the Proposed Plan (PP) for Burial Site No. 3, FTG-09, at Fort Gillem in Forest Park, Georgia. The PP presents the U.S. Army’s (Army) Preferred Remedial Alternative that addresses contaminated soil and groundwater at FTG-09. The Army’s Preferred Remedial Alternative at the FTG-09 Site includes On-Post Source Area and Off-Post Groundwater South of FTG-09. The Preferred Remedial Alternative for the On-Post Source Area is Chemical Oxidation.

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Expand List item 27910Collapse List item 27910  Public Notice of Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study, GA & SC Interim Study 2 Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and FONSI

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for potential changes to the Savannah River Basin Drought Contingency Plan to improve management of water resources during drought conditions. The purpose of the proposed action is to modify the existing Drought Contingency Plan. This would result in more positive impacts and fewer negative impacts on the authorized project purposes (Hydropower, Recreation, Environmental, Water Supply, Navigation, and Flood Risk Management) during drought conditions.

Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study, GA & SC Interim Study 2 EA & Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Appendix A – Environmental Documentation
Appendix B – Engineering: Part 1 (8 MB - all but Annex B) and Part 2 (15 MB Annex B)
Appendix C – Plan Formulation Environmental Section
Appendix D – Correspondence
Appendix E – Savannah River Ecosystem Flow Prescription Plan

Expand List item 27907Collapse List item 27907  Review Plan for Noyes Cut, Satilla River Watershed, Georgia

Noyes Cut is an Ecosystem Restoration Project authorized for construction under the Continuing Authorities Program (Section 2016 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration). This Review Plan defines the scope of review activities required during the design process for the three closure structures for this project (Noyes Cut, Dynamite Cut, and Old River Run). The review activities are defined in USACE guidance and include District Quality Control, Agency Technical Review, and Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Sustainability Review.

Expand List item 34250Collapse List item 34250  Review Plan for the Lakewood Dam Removal Project

Lakewood Park – Culvert 1 Replacement is an Environmental Infrastructure project authorized for design and construction under Section 219, located within southeast Atlanta. The project goal is to reduce flooding in the area surrounding the Lakewood (Cellairis) Amphitheater. This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review activities required during the design process.

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Expand List item 32009Collapse List item 32009  Review Plan for Turpentine Run, St. Thomas, USVI

Turpentine Run is a Flood Risk Management project located within the Nadir development of St. Thomas and is authorized for design and construction. This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review activities required during the design process.

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Expand List item 27908Collapse List item 27908  Richland Creek Reservoir - Development of Regional Impact Review

Northwest Georgia Regional Commission Development of Regional Impact Report for Paulding County Richland Creek Reservoir.

The Richland Creek Reservoir proposed project appears to be consistent within the Northwest Georgia Regional Commission Regionally Important Resource Plan (January 19, 2012). The proposed project appears to be consistent with the policies, programs and projects contained in the Northwest Georgia Regional Commission Regional Comprehensive Plan (January 16, 2014.)

Paulding County’s Richland Creek Reservoir Project is being planned to fulfill the long-term water supply needs of the County through the year 2060. Paulding County currently owns and operates the public water system infrastructure within the County; however, the County purchases all of its water supply from Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA) through a long-term Intergovernmental Agreement. The new reservoir will supplement the existing water supply in order to fulfill the projected 50-year need of 53.2 million gallons per day (MGD). Richland Creek Reservoir is estimated to provide 35 MGD of the total water supply need. Richland Creek Reservoir will be a pumped storage reservoir located in northern Paulding County on the upper reaches of Richland Creek. Its primary water source will be pumped from the Etowah River at a site located four miles to the north in Bartow County as illustrated on the attached map. The project includes all phases needed to deliver water from river to tap.

Expand List item 27909Collapse List item 27909  Rocky Creek, Augusta Georgia, Flood Risk Management, Section 205 Feasibility Study
Expand List item 27919Collapse List item 27919  Rocky Creek, Augusta Georgia, Flood Risk Management, Section 205 Feasibility Study
Expand List item 27914Collapse List item 27914  Satilla Watershed Reconnaissance Study

The purpose of the Satilla Watershed Reconnaissance Study is to determine if there is a Federal interest and a willing and able cost-sharing sponsor to undertake a Feasibility Study. Problems within the watershed primarily focused on water resources that fit under the Corps of Engineer's mission areas of flood risk management and ecosystem restoration will be identified and potential solutions will be examined using existing and readily available data and information. Click the links below to view documents:

Presentation: Satilla Watershed Reconnaissance Study (May 2014)

Satilla Watershed Meeting Notes, June 16, 2014

Satilla Basin Map - Emergency Operations in Flood Plain

Satilla Basin Map - Notations

Expand List item 32470Collapse List item 32470  Savannah Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) 2023 Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP)

This draft SMMP includes provisions to ensure that dredged material ocean disposal activities will not unreasonably degrade the marine environment or endanger human health.

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Expand List item 27916Collapse List item 27916  Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study, Project Management Plan

This Project Management Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 for the Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study. The Act provides the Secretary of the Army authority to address current and future needs for flood damage prevention and reduction, as well as water supply and other related water resources needs under the SRBCS authority. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is conduction a Drought Contingency Plan update as a second interim study under a comprehensive water resources study of the Savannah River Basin.

Click here to view Project Management Plan.

Expand List item 27917Collapse List item 27917  Savannah River Basin Drought Plan Revision

The Proposed Action (Alternative 2) consists of retaining the major components of Alternative 1 and modifying the discharge of Levels 2 and 3. For Level 2 of this Alternative, if the current 28- day Broad River percentile inflow is greater than the 10th percentile flow, then the prescribed J. Strom Thurmond (JST) Dam release would be 4000 cfs from February through October. For Level 2, if the current 28-day Broad River percentile inflow is less than or equal to the 10th percentile flow, then the prescribed JST release would be 3800 cfs from February through October. The November to January discharge for Level 2 would be 3600 cfs (February extension of 3600 cfs could be implemented with NOAA Fisheries pre-approval). The Level 3 JST release for February through October would be 3800 cfs and the target for November through January discharge would also be reduced to 3100 cfs (February extension of 3100 cfs could be implemented with NOAA Fisheries pre-approval). If requested by either the State of Georgia or South Carolina, the Corps would restore the Thurmond discharge up to 3800 cfs daily average for the 3100 cfs release in Level 3. For Levels 1-3, the Hartwell discharge would be reduced as appropriate to maintain balanced pools.

FINDINGS: The proposed action to modify the Drought Contingency Plan for the Savannah River Basin would result in no significant environmental impacts and is the alternative that represents sound natural resource management practices and environmental standards. A copy of the EA and appendices can be found at the links below:

Expand List item 36007Collapse List item 36007  Strategic Optimization Technical Memorandum for Buxton Naval Facility Formerly Used Defense Sites property (May 2024)

This document is the report created by the USACE Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EMCX).  It is the culmination of their observations from their site visit, data collected, interviews with the USACE, NPS, U.S Coast Guard and contractor personnel, as well as a comprehensive evaluation of approximately 40 documents  pertaining to prior investigations and corrective actions carried out at the FUDS property.

Redaction Notice: Please note that the Strategic Optimization Technical Memorandum includes minor redactions to remove reference to data from a non-USACE draft report. An unredacted version will be released once USACE is informed that the non-USACE report has been finalized. 

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Expand List item 27921Collapse List item 27921  U.S. Coast Guard Station Demolition and Replacement, Port Everglades, Florida

This Review Plan (RP) is intended to ensure a quality-engineering project is developed by the Corps of Engineers. This review plan has been developed for the design and construction of the U.S. Coast Guard Station as part of the Port Everglades Project. This Review Plan was prepared in accordance with EC 1165-2-214, "Civil Works Review Policy". The review plan shall layout a value added process that assures the correctness of the information shown. This review plan describes the scope of review for the current phase of work, and will be included in the Project Management Plan upon approval.

This review plan prepared by the Savannah District is for the implementation of the U.S. Coast Guard component of the Port Everglades Project of the Jacksonville District. Jacksonville District has completed a separate Review Plan for the Port Everglades Deepening Project. This Review Plan sets the scope and schedule for the construction contract that is envisioned for the project so that required review activities can be scheduled and completed. This review plan will be updated when necessary to address designs or schedule changes.

View Review Plan

Tybee Island

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Expand List item 27855Collapse List item 27855  Draft EA and FONSI for Tybee Island Emergency Supplemental Beach Renourishment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, has prepared this revised Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and revised Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for an emergency supplemental beach renourishment on the Tybee Island Shore Protection Project, Tybee Island, Georgia. The report evaluates potential impacts of the renourishment, and an expansion of the previously licensed borrow area. This revised EA considers an alternative that does not incorporate existing dunes into the Federal project

Expand List item 27896Collapse List item 27896  Tybee Harvey Irma and Maria (HIM) Supplemental Review Plan

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of review for the Tybee Island Shore Protection Project, City of Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia, HIM Supplemental as authorized in P.L. 115-123 to provide a full template renourishment with resiliency features. 

Expand List item 27894Collapse List item 27894  Tybee Island Shore Protection Project - 2015 Beach Renourishment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District released a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Tybee Island Shore Protection Project, Georgia, 2015 Renourishment.

This authorized 3.5 mile-long project was initially constructed in 1974 with a 50-year project life and periodic renourishments to occur every 7 years. The beach was last renourished in 2008 and is scheduled to be renourished again in 2015. In 2015, there will be 9 years left in the project life (i.e. Federal participation). The Savannah District, with the non-Federal sponsor’s concurrence, selected to perform the 2015 periodic renourishment for the remaining 9 years of the 50-year project life.

The renourishment volume to be placed includes the volume needed to restore the project plus an additional 312,000 cubic yards to account for potential erosion through 2024. The beach template will be slightly modified to include placement of the additional material by extending the berm up to the north terminal groin of the template. This area has been nourished during previous renourishment cycles, but not during the 2008 renourishment. The final quantity and placement of template fill will be determined by surveys conducted immediately prior to construction.

In addition, the berm will be extended seaward up to 50 feet beyond the previously constructed template to account for erosion during the additional 2 years of advance nourishment for a 9 year cycle. The same borrow area that was used for the 2008 renourishment, Borrow Area 4, will be used for this final renourishment. Borrow material will be taken from previously undisturbed areas within Area 4. The proposed project is scheduled to occur between 1 November 2015 and 30 April 2016.


Final Environmental Assessment

Appendix A - Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation

Appendix B - Essential Fish Habitat

Appendix C - Biological Assessment of Threatened and Endangered Species

Appendix D - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion

Appendix E - Responses to Agency Letters and Public Comments

Expand List item 27895Collapse List item 27895  Tybee Island Shoreline Protection Project Beach Renourishment Evaluation Integrated Report and Environmental Assessment

This Review Plan defines the scope and level of peer review for the Tybee Island Shore Protection Project, City of Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia, Beach Renourishment Evaluation Study as authorized in Section 1037 of WRRDA 2014 Section 1037 (a) to determine the feasibility of extending the period of cost shared beach nourishment for a period not to exceed 15 additional years beyond the existing 50 year maximum period of federal participation which ends in 2024. 

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