The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District released a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Tybee Island Shore Protection Project, Georgia, 2015 Renourishment.
This authorized 3.5 mile-long project was initially constructed in 1974 with a 50-year project life and periodic renourishments to occur every 7 years. The beach was last renourished in 2008 and is scheduled to be renourished again in 2015. In 2015, there will be 9 years left in the project life (i.e. Federal participation). The Savannah District, with the non-Federal sponsor’s concurrence, selected to perform the 2015 periodic renourishment for the remaining 9 years of the 50-year project life.
The renourishment volume to be placed includes the volume needed to restore the project plus an additional 312,000 cubic yards to account for potential erosion through 2024. The beach template will be slightly modified to include placement of the additional material by extending the berm up to the north terminal groin of the template. This area has been nourished during previous renourishment cycles, but not during the 2008 renourishment. The final quantity and placement of template fill will be determined by surveys conducted immediately prior to construction.
In addition, the berm will be extended seaward up to 50 feet beyond the previously constructed template to account for erosion during the additional 2 years of advance nourishment for a 9 year cycle. The same borrow area that was used for the 2008 renourishment, Borrow Area 4, will be used for this final renourishment. Borrow material will be taken from previously undisturbed areas within Area 4. The proposed project is scheduled to occur between 1 November 2015 and 30 April 2016.
Final Environmental Assessment
Appendix A - Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation
Appendix B - Essential Fish Habitat
Appendix C - Biological Assessment of Threatened and Endangered Species
Appendix D - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion
Appendix E - Responses to Agency Letters and Public Comments