SAVANNAH, Ga. – On June 26 the Corps of Engineers will conduct a required test of the spillway gates at Richard B. Russell Dam on the upper Savannah River. The test will ensure the gates work properly and can be activated in the event of an emergency to protect the dam plus people and property downstream.
During the test each spillway gate will be opened approximately one foot to give safety experts the opportunity to evaluate the gates’ readiness. These checks must be performed periodically in keeping with the Corps of Engineers’ Dam Safety Program.
The test begins at Richard B. Russell Dam June 26 at 1:30 p.m. and will last about one hour in total. The public may observe the tests from designated viewing and parking areas below Russell Dam. Parking is limited. Boaters should not approach the dam from downstream during the test as currents will be strong and turbulent.
The test will have only a minimal impact on reservoir levels – less than one inch in depth. The test will have little net impact on Lake Thurmond, downstream.
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Release no. 18-028