Officials announce Master Plan update comment period for Thurmond Lake

USACE, Savannah District
Published Dec. 7, 2021

SAVANNAH, Ga. – As officials consider changes to the current guidance on operation of the project’s recreational, environmental, land and wildlife management, the public may read and comment on a proposed master plan update for the Thurmond Lake project until it closes at noon, Jan. 20, 2022.

The Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, examined retaining the current master plan, however, officials recommend developing a new master plan to align actions at the project with current “overall land and water management plan, resource objectives, and associated design and management concepts,” according to the public notice announcement posted here: PublicNotice.

The announcement stated the recommended alternative ensures “that program management actions are based on current information and regulations through collaboration with the public, stakeholders, and subject matter experts.”

A new master plan can also provide for a more orderly means to develop recreation facilities by government agencies and other lessees.

The Savannah District prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment and found that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required for the recommended alternative.

The public may review the entire proposal and the Draft EA at the District website by clicking here: ProposalAndEA.

Officials noted the online files are large and may take several minutes to open or download.


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Release no. 21-029