Army Corps Announces Administrative Fee Changes

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District
Published June 6, 2019

Atlanta, Ga. – Beginning 1 January 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division, will implement a revised administrative fee schedule resulting in a total cost of $835 for a dock and land based facilities at its reservoirs and along certain federal waterways in the Southeastern United States. The administrative fee will cover costs the Corps incurs for the issuance or re-issuance of these licenses. Such activities are generally in connection with private use of fee owned public lands by landowners adjacent to the reservoirs such as dock anchorage, lighting, walkways, and steps to improve access to permitted boat docks and similar facilities. There will no longer be a fee charged for fair market value of the licensed items, just the fee associated with administration of the license.

The new fee will apply to the following reservoirs and waterways: Okeechobee Waterway, FL.; Allatoona Lake and Lake Sidney Lanier, GA; Walter F. George Lake and West Point Lake on the Georgia-Alabama border; Lake Seminole on the Georgia- Florida border; Hartwell Lake and J. Strom Thurmond Lake on the Georgia-South Carolina border; Philpott Lake, VA; W. Kerr Scott Lake, NC; and John H. Kerr Lake on the North Carolina-Virginia border.

The public can get more information by visiting the Corps website at or contacting their local Corps project office.

Billy Birdwell, Senior Public Affairs Specialist
912-677-6039 (cell)
Russell Wicke
912-856-4229 (cell)

Release no. 19-018