Savannah District Prepares to Weather Hurricane Season with Exercise

Published April 22, 2024
The U.S. Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, held a hurricane tabletop exercise in preparation for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season at the Juliette Gordon Low Building, March 28, 2024.

The U.S. Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, held a hurricane tabletop exercise in preparation for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season at the Juliette Gordon Low Building, March 28, 2024.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District survey vessels secured in depot for severe weather during hurricane preparedness exercise, March 28, 2024.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District survey vessels secured in depot for severe weather during hurricane preparedness exercise, March 28, 2024.

SAVANNAH, Ga. – The U.S. Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, held a hurricane tabletop exercise at the Juliette Gordon Low Federal Building, March 28, 2024, in preparation for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season.

Tabletop exercises are discussion-based sessions where key personnel from participating organizations simulate the actions they would take during emergencies or rapid response situations. 

"These hurricane exercises really inform our District members and partners of everything that goes on during a hurricane event," said Matthew Collins, chief of the Savannah District’s Emergency Management Division. “They really help to outline roles and responsibilities ahead of time.”

Participating agencies included the Corps’ Savannah District, U.S. Coast Guard, Georgia Ports Authority, National Weather Service, Georgia Emergency Management, Homeland Security Agency, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Chatham County Emergency Management Agency.

“We have a great team here in the Savannah District leading into hurricane season this year,” said Collins. “We have been doing a lot of similar events this year with our partners to prepare. This exercise is one of many to help us get ready for the season."

The primary goals of the exercise were to confirm roles and responsibilities of individuals and organizations during a major hurricane response, validate plans, and to strengthen relationships with stakeholders.

The official Atlantic Ocean hurricane season falls between June 1 and November 30 with the peak threat period occurring between mid-August and October.

The Colorado State University Tropical Weather and Climate team’s initial forecast predicts a “well above average” Atlantic hurricane season.  

The Corps is part of the federal government’s unified response to disasters and assists the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Corps is FEMA’s primary federal agency for public works and engineering-related emergency support. Additionally, the agency repairs federally authorized flood control, flood fighting, and hurricane protection projects.

For more information, download the Official Georgia Hurricane Guide, at