Clarks Hill, S.C. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, J. Strom Thurmond Lake and Dam Project Office announces a temporary closure of Morrahs Boat Ramp, located in Elbert, Georgia, beginning Monday, July 15, 2024, until Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
This closure is necessary to facilitate demobilization of a small construction project in the Russell Dam tailrace area that involves equipment removal, material disposal and other safety hazards. Therefore, due to the safety risk, visitors are advised to refrain from entering the park. Bobby Brown Park is the nearest available boat ramp; it’s operated by Elbert County. Gill Point Boat Ramp, in Lincoln, Georgia, and Calhoun Falls Boat Ramp, in McCormick, South Carolina, are the closest Army Corps of Engineers boat launching points available for use.
To see a graphic of the lake map, visit: Thurmond Lake Map. Morrahs Boat Ramp is number 24 on the map.
For more information, contact Chief Ranger Henry Way, or the J. Strom Thurmond Project Office at 800-533-3478, or 864-333-1100.
Release no. 24-020