Savannah District kicks off 2024 Combined Federal Campaign, $20K Goal set

Published Oct. 18, 2024
Lt. Col. Vanessa Bowman, USACE Savannah District deputy commander, provides welcome remarks to attendees during the District’s Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff Event, Oct. 15, 2024, at the headquarters in downtown Savannah, Georgia.

Lt. Col. Vanessa Bowman, USACE Savannah District deputy commander, provides welcome remarks to attendees during the District’s Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff Event, Oct. 15, 2024, at the headquarters in downtown Savannah, Georgia.

Attendees stand in line during the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District’s Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff Event, Oct. 15, 2024. This year’s event featured customizable walking tacos, allowing attendees to enjoy a deconstructed taco experience right in a bag of chips, while learning about the CFC. The event helps bring awareness to various charities that members of the federal community can support through monetary or volunteer contributions.

Attendees stand in line during the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District’s Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff Event, Oct. 15, 2024. This year’s event featured customizable walking tacos, allowing attendees to enjoy a deconstructed taco experience right in a bag of chips, while learning about the CFC. The event helps bring awareness to various charities that members of the federal community can support through monetary or volunteer contributions.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District’s 2024 Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff event featured customizable walking tacos, allowing attendees to enjoy a deconstructed taco experience right in a bag of chips. The event helps bring awareness to various charities that members of the federal community can support through monetary or volunteer contributions.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District’s 2024 Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff event featured customizable walking tacos, allowing attendees to enjoy a deconstructed taco experience right in a bag of chips. The event helps bring awareness to various charities that members of the federal community can support through monetary or volunteer contributions.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District kicked off its 2024 Combined Federal Campaign with a Walking Tacos event at the Juliette Gordon Low Building in Savannah, Georgia, Oct. 15, 2024.

The CFC is an annual fundraising drive that raises awareness of various charities to promote support from members of the federal community. Donors can choose from over 20,000 non-profit charitable organizations that support causes ranging from homeless veterans to cancer.

This year’s event featured customizable walking tacos, allowing attendees to enjoy a deconstructed taco experience right in a bag of chips, while they learned about the CFC.

Lt. Col. Vanessa Bowman, USACE Savannah District deputy commander, provided welcome remarks to attendees, which included members of the Savannah District and the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Savannah.

“Today, I want to emphasize the difference each of us can make through our contributions. Every pledge counts, no matter the size, and together we can create significant change,” said Bowman. “Many of you might have heard stories about how the funds raised through the CFC have directly benefited families, individuals, and communities in need. I encourage you to reflect on what these causes mean to you and how your support can help.”

Since its inception in 1961, the CFC has raised more than $8.7 billion for charities and people in need. Savannah District’s goal for this year is to contribute $20,000 towards a variety of non-profit organizations. The CFC pledge drive started Sept. 1, 2024, nationwide, and continues through Jan. 15, 2025.

Attendees learned more about the CFC from District Campaign Manager Rashida Banks and explored ways to pledge. Employees can donate by credit card or payroll deduction on a one-time or reoccurring basis at

The secure, online portal reduces administration costs and errors while allowing users to search for specific charities or view a list of organizations that support specific categories, like animal rights, the environment or public safety. Employees can also donate volunteer hours rather than money by choosing a charity with a hand icon next to it.

For additional information, visit