Tag: dredged material containment area
  • March

    Joint project begins process to restore Savannah saltmarsh habitat

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah and Jacksonville Districts began collaborating in February on a restoration project at the Dredged Material Containment Area 1S, located on the Savannah River near Port Wentworth, Georgia, as part of the mitigation requirements associated with the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.
  • February

    DMCAs – Savannah’s solution for placing dredged material

    The Corps of Engineers has been dredging sediment from the Savannah River since the 19th century. A crucial requirement for maintaining a deepened harbor is having a designated placement area for sediment. The Corps calls these designated areas “dredged material containment areas” (DMCA). And since the Corps must dredge miles of the Savannah River year after year, large containment areas are required.
  • July

    Savannah River islands attract a different type of tourist

    SAVANNAH, Ga. -- Threatened by development and predators from every side, local birds here are finding safe, pristine habitats in an unlikely place: at the bottom of the Savannah River.