J. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake

Shoreline Management Program - Allocation Maps


Adjacent land owners and prospective buyers are reminded that shoreline allocations (zoning) affect the type of facilities and/or activities that may be permitted at a particular site. Shoreline Use Permits are prohibited in some areas of Thurmond Lake. To determine the shoreline allocation adjacent to a particular site, please contact the Thurmond Project Office, toll free, at 800-533-3478. Rangers are available to assist in determining zoning and permit possibilities. Prospective buyers are encouraged to determine the shoreline allocations (zoning) prior to purchasing property adjacent to the Thurmond Lake.
Map Key
Map 1 Map 5
Map 2 Map 6
Map 3 Map 7
Map 4 Map 8
These maps are provided to show the general shoreline allocations. Due to the small scale of the maps, location of exact limits of the shoreline zoning may not be distinguishable. These maps should be used as a guide only and field documentation may be required. Thurmond Project Natural Resource Management personnel are available to address any questions concerning the shoreline zoning allocations and the Shoreline Management Plan. The official larger scale zoning map is available for review at the Thurmond Project Office.

We included a Key Plan (map) of the lake. This Key Plan will help you locate a particular area of the lake on the larger scale maps. On the Key Plan, the lake is divided into eight sections. Locate the section of the lake you are interested in, and use the section number to find the larger scale map of the area.

For the purpose of administration of the Permit/License Program, the J. Strom Thurmond Project Shoreline Management Plan established the following shoreline allocations:
  • Limited Development Areas. Private exclusive use privileges and facilities may be permitted such as private floating facilities, community (group owned) floating facilities, and certain land based activities. Approximately 18 percent (211 miles) of the shoreline is designated as Limited Development Areas, which are shown in green on the Shoreline Allocation Maps.
  • Public Recreation Areas. These areas have been designed for development to accommodate high intensity recreation use by the general public. These areas are designated for Federal, state, and other public use, including commercial concessions. No private use facilities or activities will be permitted within a designated or developed Public Recreation Area. Approximately 15 percent (178 miles) of the shoreline is allocated as Public Recreation Areas, shown in red on the Shoreline Allocation maps.
  • Protected Shoreline Areas. Approximately 62 percent (715 miles) of the shoreline is allocated as Protected Shoreline Areas, shown in yellow on the Shoreline Allocation Maps. Protected Shoreline Areas are those areas designated to reduce conflicts between public and private use and to maintain or restore aesthetics, fish and wildlife habitat, cultural and/or other environmental values. In addition, shorelines subject to shallowness, rapid dewatering, exposure to high winds and currents, and narrowness of channel (to facilitate boat traffic) are in this category. No permits for new private structures or utilities will be authorized in these areas. However, permits may be granted for minor modifications to vegetation, such as creating a path to the shoreline if determined the activity will not adversely impact the environmental values or physical characteristics that classified the area as protected.
  • Special Use Areas. These are areas outgranted to quasi-public organizations, local and state agencies, and other Federal agencies for specialized uses. Approximately 5 percent (52 miles) of shoreline is allocated as Special Use Areas, shown in orange on the Shoreline Allocation Maps. Permits for floating facilities may be permitted only to the leasee in this area designation.
  • Prohibited Access Areas. Less than one percent (less than one mile) of the shoreline is designated as Prohibited Access Areas, shown in blue on the Shoreline Allocation Maps. Areas reserved for project operation are allocated under this classification and include lands located in the proximity of the hydropower structure, operational areas, and water intake structures.