PROJECT NAME AND STATE: Brunswick Harbor Operation and Maintenance, GA
AUTHORIZATION: O&M General, PL 108-07 WRDA 99
Allocation for FY 2021
Allocation for FY 2022
Allocation for FY 2023
President's Budget for FY 2024 |
$8,297,000 |
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Brunswick Harbor is a deep-water port with project dimensions of 38 feet deep, 500 feet wide, and 10.7 miles long in the bar channel and 36 feet deep, 400 feet wide, and 15.3 miles long in the inner channels through St. Simon's Sound, Brunswick River and East River. The inner harbor dredged material is placed in Andrews Island, the sole upland disposal area. The inner harbor has two turning basins, one in East River and the other in Turtle River. Terry Creek is an inactive dredged material containment area near Brunswick, Georgia contaminated by toxaphene.
ACTIVITIES COMPLETED FOR FY 2023: Conduct annual maintenance dredging of the entrance channel to -38 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and the inner harbor channel to -36 feet MLLW. Conduct the corresponding real estate activities, condition surveys, and plans and specifications preparation for the FY 2022 Inner Harbor and FY 2023 Entrance Channel dredging contracts.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2024: Conduct annual maintenance dredging of the entrance channel to -38 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). Conduct the corresponding real estate activities, condition surveys, and plans and specifications preparation for the FY 2023 Inner Harbor and FY 2024 Entrance Channel dredging contracts.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: The Brunswick Harbor deepening project (-38 feet MLLW) was physically completed in 2007 at a cost of $109M. Brunswick Harbor has not been dredged to authorized project dimensions since 2010 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding) due to performance-based budget decisions; these funding constraints have limited dredging to primary channel usage depths (Ro-Ro) resulting in tidal draft restrictions for other vessels (bulk/break-bulk). Currently, hopper dredging is restricted to December through March by the presence of threatened and endangered sea turtles and legal challenges with implementation of the 2020 SARBO. Monthly controlling depth surveys are conducted to provide timely and useful information to mariners concerning shoaling. Brunswick Harbor is the 2nd largest roll on-roll off auto handling port in the nation, processing 650,000 units in 2021. The port generates $217M annually in duty taxes and supports 98,000 jobs. Brunswick is 19th in the nation for contributions to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. Brunswick Harbor is the 2nd largest roll on-roll off auto handling port in the nation processing 650,000 units in 2021. The port generates $217M annually in duty taxes and supports 98,000 jobs. Brunswick Harbor is 19th in the nation for contributions to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. Georgia Ports Authority is pursuing grants for improvements to intermodal infrastructure.
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: Project is consistent with current Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Spencer W. Davis, PMP 24 April 2023