US Army Corps of Engineers
Savannah District Website

Lower Savannah River Basin, GA

PROJECT NAME AND STATE:  Lower Savannah River Basin, GA

AUTHORIZATION:  Water Resources Development Act of 1996



Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Total Estimated Cost


Allocation thru FY 2014


Allocation for FY 2015


Programmed Balance to Complete After FY 2015


Budgeted Amount for FY 2016


LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION:  Environmental Restoration. The project is located on the Savannah River between river mile 40.9 and river mile 42.0, approximately 20 river miles above the city of Savannah, Georgia.  The project area itself is located within Effingham County, Georgia and Jasper County, South Carolina.  A portion of the project is within the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.  This environmental restoration project was authorized by a resolution passed on August 1, 1990, by the U.S. House of Representatives Commit¬tee on Public Works and Transportation.  The approved project cost is $4,343,464.  The project plan included a large partial diversion structure at cut #3; a plug in bend #3 below the mouth of Bear Creek and realignment and restoration of the mouths of Bear and Mill Creeks, which provides improved flows into both creeks. Five years of post construction stream flow monitoring is required per the EA and FONSI.  Upon completion of the fifth year of monitoring, an environmental close-out report is to be prepared to document the effectiveness of the project.

ACTIVITIES COMPLETED FOR FY2016: Complete the fifth (final) year of the five years of required environmental monitoring.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2017: Complete the engineering data report and the environmental close-out report.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION:  Funds to initiate preconstruction engineering and design were appropriated in FY 1996.  Funds to initiate construction were appropriated in FY 2000.  The construction was physically complete in FY 2002.  The EA/FONSI, project authorization and permits require five years of post construction monitoring be conducted and an environmental close out report be prepared.  Since FY 2002, one year of environmental monitoring was completed in FY 2004.  FY 2011 and 2012 funds were allocated through reprogramming actions to balance the project’s cost share requirements.  There is minimal operation and maintenance associated with this project.  The City of Savannah is 100 percent responsible for all normal operation and maintenance.  The FY 2015 funding of $80,000 will fully fund the project to completion.

Complete monitoring for FY13                               30 Sep 2013
Complete monitoring for FY14                               30 Sep 2014
Complete monitoring for FY15                               30 Sep 2015
Complete monitoring for FY16                               30 Sep 2016
Final engineering data report                                 30 Dec 2016

ADMINISTRATION POSITION:  This project is consistent with Administration policy.

ACTION OFFICER:  Margarett (Mackie) McIntosh                                  12 February 2016