PROJECT NAME AND STATE: Rocky Creek, Augusta Georgia, Flood Risk Management, Section 205 Feasibility Study
AUTHORIZATION: Authority for this study was provided in Section 414 of the 1996 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), 104th Congress, 2nd Session, Public Law 104-303.
Design and Implementation |
Estimated Federal Cost
$4,663,100 |
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
$2,510,900 |
Total Estimated Cost
$7,174,000 |
Allocation thru FY 2018
$200,000 |
Allocation thru FY 2019
$540,000 |
President's Budget for FY 2020
0 |
Programmed Balance to Complete After FY 2019
$3,923,100 |
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Flood Risk Management. The Rocky Creek Basin encompasses the central portion of the City of Augusta, mostly south of Gordon Highway (U.S. Route 78) and north of Bobby Jones Expressway (Interstate 520). Rocky Creek drains about 17 square miles and is about nine miles long from its headwaters north of Gordon Highway, to its mouth at Phinizy Swamp, where it joins Augusta Canal. The basin has experienced numerous flood-related problems over the past several years. The city had historically addressed flooding of lands and structures adjacent to Rocky Creek by installation of a system of damage reduction, water supply, and hydropower measures, the former of which was directed at effective channelization of flood flows out of the Rocky Creek Basin, through Augusta Canal, and thence into the Savannah River. Despite the presence of this usually highly effective water management system, changes in the operations of commercial water users on Augusta Canal, long-term urbanization of the watershed, and inability to address floodplain management needs due to early development of that portion of the watershed, has led to the need to modify portions of the existing system for the goals of flood damage reduction. Floods during the past decade have led to increasing awareness of the flood threat, and the knowledge that potential solutions are beyond the ability of the city and county to solve and fund on their own.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2019: The District will execute a task order (TO) with an A/E firm for a project design in FY19.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2020: Completion of the design and reviews including an Independent External Peer Review (IEPR). Construction contract award is projected for FY2021.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: This feasibility study evaluated a broad range of potential measures to reduce damages and management risks from flooding. These management measures ranged from ‘structural’, those that physically alter the system, to ‘non-structural’ measures that do not require physical alternation of the floodplain, as well as those that reduce damages and manage risks by means of management techniques, removal, elevating or flood-proofing of structures, insurance against damage, and other means. The approved National Economic Development or ‘NED’ Plan for construction consists of building a new Dam at the former Rosedale Dam site, acquiring 5 residential parcels in the Kissingbower Road area and converting those parcels into a recreational park..
Feasibility Report Approved 08 Aug 2017 (A)
PPA Execued 7 Sep 2018 (A)
95% Design Review Conference 15 Dec 2020
Contract Award 29 Jul 2021
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: This project is consistent with Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Margarett (Mackie) McIntosh 11 June 2019