AUTHORIZATION: This study is authorized under the Flood Control Act of 1950.
Estimated Federal Cost
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
Total Estimated Cost
Allocation thru FY 2014
Allocation for FY 2015
Programmed Balance to Complete After FY 2015
President’s Budget for FY 2016
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Flood Risk Management. The Satilla River Watershed includes Satilla River, Little Satilla River, Big Satilla Creek, Turtle River, Seventeen Mile Creek, Hurricane Creek, Red Bluff Creek, Crooked River, Alabaha River and Sweet Water Creek. The Satilla River drains about 4,000 square miles of the southeastern portion of the state of Georgia and empties into the Atlantic Ocean at St. Andrew Sound amidst Georgia’s Golden Isles. The Georgia Environmental Protection Division signed a letter on 10 May 2013 stating their interest in being a sponsor for this study along with the following counties: Irwin, Coffee, Jeff Davis, Appling, Aiken, Ware, Atkinson, Pierce, Wayne, Brantley, Camden, Glynn, and Charlton. The cities include: Waycross, Waynesville, and Woodbine.
ACTIVITIES COMPLETED FOR FY2015: Complete the 905(b) report determining Federal Interest and identify cost share sponsor(s); complete the project management plan and review plan; execute the Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA).
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2016: Initiate the feasibility study.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: In March 1998, Georgia experienced widespread flooding due to heavy rainfall. The severity of the rain and the damages that resulted from flooding caused more than 65 percent of Georgia’s counties to be declared federal disaster areas under the Presidential Disaster Declaration 1209. Counties that experienced flooding in the Satilla River Watershed during the 1998 floods included Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Brantley, Coffee, Glynn, and Jeff Davis. Due to the April 2009 flood, 46 counties in Georgia were declared disaster areas. Federal Emergency Management Agency reported 1,875 homes and 29 businesses were affected by floodwaters. No lives were reported lost in this flood. Approximately $60,000,000 in public infrastructure damage occurred to roads, culverts, bridges and a water treatment facility. The 2009 flood is the highest recorded since 1948 for several rivers, and since 1929 for a few others. Flooding, flow restrictions, and ecosystem degradation are all concerns to the stakeholders. In addition to flooding issues, there are major water quality and quantity concerns for the Satilla River Watershed, including: dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, fish consumption, erosion and sedimentation, drought conditions, widespread flooding, and saltwater intrusion. The feasibility study will examine alternatives to reduce flood risk, including the examination of non-structural methods.
905(b) Report Approval
January 2015
Execute Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA)
September 2015
Start Feasibility Study
October 2015
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: This project is consistent with Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Margarett (Mackie) McIntosh 15 March 2015