Fort Gillem VI Study

PROJECT NAME AND STATE: Assessment and Implementation of Remediation Alternatives, Fort Gillem, GA.


LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIONFt. Gillem is located in Clayton County, GA.  Environmental investigations have determined that three contaminated sites have impacted the groundwater off-site:  (1)  FTG-01, North Landfill Area, is in the northern portion of Fort Gillem (Figure 1); (2) FTG-07/10, is located in the south/southeast portion of Fort Gillem (Figure 2); and (3) FTG-09, is located in the southern portion of Fort Gillem (Figure 2).  To address point sources of contamination and groundwater contamination a task order was issued June 2015 to CB&I.  The objective of this task order is to complete the CERCLA phases leading up to and including Decision Document phase and Remedy in Place/Response Complete (RIP/RC) for the above Fort Gillem Sites to include the off-site groundwater plumes.


The Vapor Intrusion Report was approved by EPA Region IV on 6 June 2016. EPA considers the VI Study complete.  CB&I has completed the following activities:

  • Dec 2015 – Sampling completed for all monitoring wells in FTG-07/10
  • April 2016 thru Present – Soil sampling in numerous FTG-01 areas
  • May 2016 – Baseline groundwater sampling was completed for FTG-01
  • Jun 2016 – A total of 3,502 tons of contaminated material was removed from the eastern portion of FTG-01Nov 2016 – Complete soil sampling to delineate contamination at FTG-09. Began groundwater delineation for Remedial Design at FTG-09 

On July 27, 2017, USEPA notified the ASAI&E of the termination of the Unilateral Administrative Order.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Sen. Perdue and Isakson and Rep. Lewis



 Figure 1: Fort Gillem, FTG-01 Off-site Groundwater Plume Investigation
 Figure 2: Fort Gillem, FTG-07/10, FTG-09 Off-Site Groundwater Plume Investigation

DISTRICT POC: Tracey Epperley, Environmental Engineer, Project Management Division, (912) 652-5718