PROJECT NAME AND STATE: South River and Intrenchment Creek City of Atlanta, Georgia
AUTHORIZATION: House Resolution, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representative, Atlanta Watershed, Georgia, Docket 2445, adopted September 28, 1994 (HR 2445)
Estimated Federal Costs
Estimated Non-Federal Costs
Total Estimated Federal Costs |
$3,000,000 |
Allocation for FY2023
President's Budget for FY2024 |
$0 |
Programmed Balance to Complete After FY2024 |
$1,500,000 |
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The South River and Intrenchment Creek are located in southeast Atlanta, Dekalb County and Fulton County, Georgia. The study area is densely populated and includes both urban and disadvantaged communities. The primary purpose of the study is to reduce flood damage with a focus on flooding identified by the City of Atlanta in the Boulevard Heights and Peoplestown neighborhoods and the Lakewood Amphitheatre area. In addition to these areas, there have been widespread complaints of recurring flooding from residents and property owners throughout the study area. Flood damages, population at risk, and flood risk management benefits will be systematically evaluated early in the study as part of the inventory of current and future conditions. Alternatives to reduce flood damages will be evaluated. An opportunity to integrate existing and potential recreation and ecosystem restoration plans of the community into potential flood risk management alternatives also exists.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2023: Pending receipt of new start funding. Execution of the Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement, and development of the project management plan and review plan.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2024: Funds will be used to formulate flood risk management alternatives, complete the Tentatively Selected Plan Milestone Meeting, release the draft feasibility report, complete the Agency Decision Milestone Meeting, complete feasibility level design, finalize the feasibility report, and coordinate execution of a Chief’s Report.
Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement TBD
Alternatives Milestones TBD
Tentatively Selected Plan TBD
Agency Decision Milestone TBD
Final Report Transmittal TBD
Signed Chief's Report TBD
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: This project is consistent with current Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Spencer W. Davis 24 Apr 2023