PROJECT NAME AND STATE: Hartwell Dam and Lake, GA
AUTHORIZATION: Flood Control Act of 1950 and 1958; Water Resources Development Act of 1976.
Allocation for FY 2021 $11,205,000
Allocation for FY 2022 $13,203000
Supplemental Allocation (IIJA/BIL) for FY 2022 $1,475,000
Allocation for FY 2023 $12,489,000
Supplemental Funds (IIJA) for FY 2023 $1,467,000
President's Budget for FY 2024 $12,025,000
Supplemental Funds (IIJA) for FY 2024 $19,700,000
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The project is located midway between Atlanta, Georgia and Charlotte, North Carolina. The dam is a concrete gravity type; 1,900 feet long and 225 feet high with a 568-foot controlled spillway. The authorized project purposes include hydropower, flood control, recreation, water supply/water quality, fish and wildlife, and navigation (no longer operated for navigation). The project provides 2,843,000 acre-feet of storage with 1,416,000 acre-feet allocated to hydropower, 293,000 acre-feet to flood control, and 1,134,000 acre-feet to inactive storage. The project also boasts 962 miles of shoreline, 55,950 acres of water, and 25,560 acres of land, which are situated in six counties and two states (Georgia and South Carolina).
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2023: Funds are being used for commonly performed O&M work. Funds are also being used for specific work activities including replacing trash rake system, replacing station and unwatering pumps with submersible pumps, and reallocation study for water supply.
ACTIVITIES FOR IIJA/BIL FOR FY2023: Funds are being used for modernize/upgrade controls at Clemson Pump Station, replace and upgrade piezometers, repair erosion downstream of Georgia embankment, repair grout packs that protect the bridge bearing pads supporting the service road atop Hartwell Dam, abandon piezometer ST-3, update water control manual, and survey cultural resources below full pool.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2024: Funds will be used for commonly performed O&M work. Funds will also be used for specific work activities including dam safety training, and hydropower inspections.
ACTIVITIES FOR IIJA/BIL FOR FY2024: Funds will be used for cultural surveys, modernize/ upgrade controls at Clemson Pump Station, modernize/replace pump discharge lines at Clemson Pump Station, modernize/replace Clemson Pump Station roof hatch, repair dam spillway gates, modernize/ replace spillway emergency generator and dam distribution switchboard, replace dam interior electrical conduit, wiring, boxes and control cabinets.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: Budget amount of $12,489,000 will be used to operate and maintain Hartwell Project facilities at acceptable levels. Hartwell is second most Corps visited project in the nation. The project served 8.5M visitors in FY 2022 resulting in $524M in visitor spending within 30 miles of project and $2M in user fees returned to United States Treasury. Hartwell has the largest shoreline management program in the nation with approximately 11,000 docks and 12,000 permits. The Hartwell Power Plant produced 480,435 MWH in FY 2022, with $21M in total power revenues. Hartwell Project has prevented $134M in cumulative flood damages since construction. Within available funding, Savannah District will continue work on four water reallocation requests under one study analysis with total anticipated cost of $1,163k.
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: Project is consistent with current Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Spencer W. Davis, PMP (912) 652-5195 24 April 2023