PROJECT NAME AND STATE: Savannah River Below Augusta Restore Ecosystem, GA
AUTHORIZATION: This study is authorized under the US House of Representatives Committee on Public Works and Transportation Resolution dated August 1, 1990 and Section 1201(29) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016.
Estimated Federal Cost
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
Total Estimated Cost
Allocation thru FY 2019
Allocation for FY 2020 |
$43,467 |
President's Budget for FY 2021 |
$0 |
Programmed Balance to Complete After FY 2021 |
$1,189,054 |
LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Ecosystem Restoration. The study area includes the Savannah River and surrounding wetlands and riparian lands from Augusta, Georgia, to the upper end of the Savannah Harbor. The authorized project for the Savannah River Below Augusta (SRBA) provides for a navigation channel 9 feet deep and 90 feet wide from the upper end of Savannah Harbor (mile 21.31) to the head of navigation at Augusta just above the 13th Street bridge (mile 202.16), a distance of 180.85 miles. The study considers modification of existing structures and cutoffs with impacts to navigation, recreation, loss of fish and wildlife resources, wetlands and other environmental issues. Restoration efforts in these areas provide the opportunity to improve spawning and nursery habitat within the Savannah River for rare, threatened, and endangered species such as the Atlantic sturgeon, shortnose Sturgeon, and the robust redhorse as well as improving the foraging and spawning habitat for recreationally important species such as the largemouth bass. Restoration efforts have the potential to hydrologically reconnect wetlands and the floodplain to the river which may improve base flow during low water events.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2020: Draft reports and documents leading to the Tentatively Selected Plan, complete cost estimate, DQC and ATR reviews, prepare for and provide documents leading to MSC Agency Decision.
ACTIVITIES FOR FY2021: Release draft report for public and agency review, complete MSC Agency Decision, certify costs, perform final DQC, ATR, and legal reviews, and transmit final report through the MSC to HQ.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: The Savanah River is one of nine rivers in the USACE/The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Sustainable Rivers Program. The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) considers most of the Savannah River as the highest priority for shared conservation action in the South Atlantic geography. There are 18 federally-listed species in the Savannah River Basin -five are federally threatened and 13 are federally-endangered. In addition, there are 55 species that are either state-listed or those of special concern. In August 2017, NOAA finalized a rule that designated the Savannah River as critical habitat for Atlantic sturgeon.
In January 2017, one of the non-Federal sponsors (Phinizy Center for Water Sciences) notified the District it was discontinuing participation and, at that time, the other co-sponsor (Savannah Riverkeeper) was unable to provide the required cost-shared funding required to continue work on the study. As a result, the Savannah District issued notice in March 2017 suspending the study due to funding shortfalls.
In February 2019, following a new investment decision to resume this study, the district received funds from the Savannah Riverkeeper IAW the FCSA executed 1 August 2016. The district was granted a waiver to the 3x3x3 rule in October 2019 which states that the feasibility study would be completed by 1 September 2021, however the study was not included in the FY20 Work Plan or the FY21 Budget.
Receive Federal Funding
15 Feb 2019 (A)
Alternative Milestone
22 May 2019 (A)
Tentatively Selected Plan |
22 Aug 2020 |
Agency Decision Milestone |
07 Oct 2020 |
Signed Chief's Report |
01 Sep 2021 |
ADMINISTRATION POSITION: This project is consistent with Administration policy.
ACTION OFFICER: Margarett (Mackie) McIntosh 25 March 2020