Twin Pines Minerals is proposing to construct and operate a sand derived heavy minerals mine in Charlton County, Georgia, and the Corps is accepting public comments until Sept. 12.
The Savannah District posted Public Notice SAS-2018-00554 on July 12, 2019 seeking comments on this proposal.
The applicant is proposing permanent impacts (loss) of 65 acres of wetlands and 4,658 linear feet of stream, and temporary impacts of 522-acres of wetlands and 2,454 linear feet of stream. Permanent impacts will result from construction of infrastructure for the mining operation. Temporary impacts are proposed for the mined area and include excavation of the draglines and backfill of the processed material.
The applicant is proposing to mitigate impacts to aquatic resources through the purchase of compensatory mitigation credits from an approved Mitigation Bank.
Additional project information and instructions on how to provide your comments can be found in the Public Notice. A copy of the complete application can be found here. Comments from the Resource Agencies are viewable here.