US Army Corps of Engineers
Savannah District Website

Section 204 - Beneficial Use of Dredged Material

Purpose Authority Feasibility Cost Share
Implementation Cost Share Fed/Non-Fed Federal
Project Limit
Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Section 204, 1992 Water Resources Development Act, as amended 100%/0% for initial $100,000; 50%/50% remaining costs 65%/35% $10,000,000





1For Structural flood damage reduction purpose, Non-Fed share is 35% up to 50% (based on cost of LERRDs), plus 5% must be in cash.

2 For non-structural flood damage reduction purpose, Non-Fed share limited to 35%, with no 5% cash requirement.


Authority and Scope: Section 204 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992, as amended, authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to implement projects for the protection, restoration and creation of aquatic and ecologically related habitats, including wetlands, or to reduce storm damage to property, in connection with dredging for the construction or operations and maintenance of an existing authorized Federal navigation project. There is a $10.0 million federal project limit.

Project Phases and Funding: Section 204 projects start with the Feasibility Phase which is funded 100% federally. After approval of the feasibility report, the project enters the Design and Implementation Phase. Costs of the Design and Implementation Phase are shared 65% Federal and 35% non-Federal with the non-Federal sponsor given credit for lands, easements, rights of way and relocation and some other costs. Operation, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and replacement of the project in the future is at 100% non-Federal cost.

Non-Federal Responsibilities: Formal assurance of local cooperation must be furnished by a local sponsoring agency. The local sponsor must be a public agency or a non-profit environmental organization. Private interests may also qualify if there is no requirement for future operation and maintenance of the project modification. The sponsoring agency must normally agree to:

   a.  Provide without cost to the United States, all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, access routes and relocation of utilities necessary for project construction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the project.
   b.  Provide 35% of the Design and Implementation Phase costs.
   c.  Maintain and operate the project after completion without cost to the United States.

How to Request Assistance: A study of a prospective Section 204 project will be initiated after receipt of a written request (see sample below), from an authorized sponsoring agency (see non-Federal Responsibilities above), and provided Federal funds are available. For more information contact (912) 652-5781.

Download Sample Letter of Intent (Microsoft Word Format)

Sample Letter of Intent for Section 204 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material



Mr. Steve Fischer

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Savannah District

100 W. Oglethorpe Avenue

Savannah, GA 31401


Dear Sir:

This letter is to seek the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under (Reference the authority under which assistance is requested and identify the type and location of the problem.)

(Briefly describe your perception of the nature and severity of the problem.)

(Briefly describe the known issues which would affect the acceptability of any recommended solutions, from the perspective of municipal and local governments, and/or the public.)

We are aware as local sponsor that we will assume costs for lands, easements, right-of-way, relocations and disposal areas (LERRD) and/or assume costs to demonstrate ownership of such.  We also will assume responsibility for any operation and maintenance of the project. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated.  Please contact (name, address, telephone, etc.) for further coordination.

