Cultural Resources

New Savannah Bluff Lock and Lock

  • Approved as a Works Progress Administration project in 1933
  • Constructed from 1934 – 1937
  • Constructed to improve commercial navigation on the upper portions of the Savannah River
  • Determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in 1996 and 2013 because of transportation history (Criterion A) and engineering (Criterion C)
  • All alternatives considered will adversely affect the lock and dam structure
  • A Memorandum of Agreement to mitigate adverse effects will be required and is in the draft report


Cultural Resources and Historic Properties National Historic Preservation Act and Section 106

  • Federal agencies must take into account effects of undertakings on historic properties (prehistoric or historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects that are eligible for or already listed in the National Register of Historic Places)
  • Federal agencies are required to consult with State Historic Preservation Offices, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, federally recognized tribes and other consulting parties, including the public
  • Adverse effects on historic properties must be resolved through avoidance or mitigation
  • A Memorandum of Agreement is executed to fulfill agency’s compliance with Section 106


Training Wall and Navigation Features

  • The training wall and features were constructed in the river to aid navigation through shallow areas between Augusta and Savannah
  • Constructed from late 1880s – mid 1930s
  • Several alternatives will alter the depth of water over the wall and features
  • Adverse effects to the cultural resources will be avoided or mitigated
  • Adverse effects to the cultural resources will be avoided by signage and buoys



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