J. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake


Thurmond Lake Educational Programs:
The following programs are offered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of our ongoing effort to improve understanding and increase awareness relative to the many aspects of Thurmond Lake. Programs are presented by park rangers at Thurmond Lake or off-site at your meeting or school location.


Power Plant Tours:
Routine power plant tours are no longer offered to the general public.

Water Safety Programs:
Water safety programs are available upon request and are presented at Thurmond Lake or at your location within the Thurmond Lake area. Programs can be presented to adults or children.

Special Topic Programs:
Do you have a special topic or concern not listed above? Or, perhaps would like someone to give a quick update on recent improvements or changes at Thurmond Lake at your next club meeting - just let us know. We will be happy to work with you on your request.