• Thurmond Marina temporarily closed

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers J. Strom Thurmond Lake Office temporarily close the Thurmond Marina located in Columbia County, Georgia, beginning May 14.
  • Corps to close portions of lock and dam due to safety concerns

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District and the City of Augusta, Georgia, will close all access to a portion of the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam on May 15 due to safety concerns with the aging structure. Operation of the lock will also end May 15.
  • Thurmond Lake day use parks open May 1

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers J. Strom Thurmond Lake Office will open five day use areas for the 2014 recreation season on May 1:
  • Hartwell Lake campground and day use areas to open May 1

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hartwell Lake Office will open the following campgrounds and day use areas for the 2014 recreation season on May 1:
  • Corps of Engineers closes due to weather

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – The Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will close at noon today and remain closed through Wednesday, Jan. 28, due to hazardous winter weather. In addition, the district will implement a “liberal leave” policy for Thursday.
  • Hwy 221 lane closing for spillway gate repairs at Thurmond Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District announces the closure of one lane on Highway 221 at the J. Strom Thurmond Dam (Clarks Hill, S.C.) while a repair project is underway on the dam's spillway gates.
  • Corps seeks public comment on 2015 Tybee Beach Re-nourishment Plans

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed 2015 Tybee beach renourishment project.
  • Corps, CSRA partners complete $25K project at Bussey Point Recreation Area

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District announces the completion of a $25,000 project to improve horseback riding at the Bussey Point trail and campground at J. Strom Thurmond Lake in Lincoln County, Ga.
  • Deer hunt for paralyzed veterans slated for Hartwell Dam & Lake; Quarry Hunting Area to close for hunt

    The US Army Corps of Engineers, Hartwell Lake Office will hold a special deer hunt in cooperation with the Paralyzed Veterans of America Nov. 25 – 26 at the Quarry Hunting Area. The area is located adjacent to the Hartwell Operations Project Manager’s Office near the intersection of Highways 181 & 29 in Georgia. The Corps will temporarily close the area for general public hunting to accommodate the hunt.
  • Corps retrieves piece of Civil War ironclad from Savannah River

    Archeologists working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, aided by divers and salvage operations teams from the U.S. Navy, retrieved a 64-square foot section of a Civil War ironclad warship from the bottom of the Savannah River the evening of Nov. 12.