Archive: June, 2015
  • June

    District’s backbone crowned USACE’s top FRN coordinator

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – A magnet for recognition, Paula Hanna, the Savannah District’s Family Readiness Network coordinator, adds to her string of awards receiving the Family Readiness Individual Excellence Award for 2014-2015.
  • Divers continue to unveil ‘little shards of life’ from CSS Georgia

    SAVANNAH, Ga. - Last week marine archaeologists diving on the CSS Georgia entered their fifth and final month of the small artifact recovery phase. And though the number of artifacts they have been discovering has slowed to a trickle, the nuance each new item adds to the growing narrative cannot be understated.
  • New commander arrives on rising tide at Savannah District

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – Assuming command amid the burgeoning Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, Col. Marvin L. Griffin became the 40th commander of the Savannah District at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, June 19. It was a fitting tribute as the ceremony was held just blocks away from CSS Georgia recovery efforts currently underway near Old Fort Jackson.
  • As archaeologists recover artifacts, more questions rise to the surface

    SAVANNAH, Ga. — She has been stripped by salvage rigs, battered by dredges and had her hull shredded by teredo worms, yet the tattered remnants of the CSS Georgia that were all but forgotten until the 1960s continue to intrigue archaeologists and the community here.
  • USACE Savannah District employee receives top honor

    BAGRAM AIRFIELD, AFGHANISTAN – Gordon Simmons, currently deployed to Afghanistan with USACE-Transatlantic Afghanistan District (TAA), has been awarded one of the highest honors bestowed within the Corps of Engineers. Simmons, chief of engineering, was presented with the Bronze Order of the de Fleury Medal Monday.
  • A new lease on life: Realty assistant aids Ebola response efforts in Liberia

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – No stranger to warfare in the jungles of Vietnam and the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, Angel Rivera set out on a familiar task in an unfamiliar territory that bred an enemy just as malignant as those he encountered as a career Soldier.