Archive: September, 2015
  • September

    California cadet finds element in the 'Hostess City'

    On the heels of his freshman year at UCLA, Army ROTC Cadet Justin Wynne arrived with a lean understanding of the Corps as a new intern with the Cadet District Engineer Program here. By week four, he departed fleshed with experience on some of the district’s principal works, including the all-encompassing Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.
  • Harbor deepening begins: Welcome aboard the Dredge Alaska

    SAVANNAH, Ga. — As part of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, dredging for the outer harbor began Sept. 10 onboard the cutter head dredge Alaska. The vessel is situated approximately four miles offshore from Tybee Island in the entrance channel to Savannah harbor.
  • A second Dahlgren is twice as nice

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – As the mechanized stage of recovery began in earnest this week, marine archaeologists working on the CSS Georgia had just started to dig in for the long haul – anticipating tedious, 12-hour days of sifting through concretion-covered objects from the dregs of the Savannah River.