Nationwide permits (NWPs) are a type of general permit issued by the Chief of Engineers and are designed to regulate with little, if any, delay or paperwork certain activities having minimal impacts. The NWPs are proposed, issued, modified, reissued (extended), and revoked from time to time after an opportunity for public notice and comment. Proposed NWPs or modifications to or reissuance of existing NWPs will be adopted only after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) gives notice and allows the public an opportunity to comment on and request a public hearing regarding the proposals. USACE will give full consideration to all comments received prior to reaching a final decision.
An activity is authorized under an NWP only if that activity and the permittee satisfy all of the NWP's terms and conditions. Activities that do not qualify for authorization under an NWP still may be authorized by an individual or regional general permit. USACE will consider unauthorized any activity requiring USACE authorization if that activity is under construction or completed and does not comply with all of the terms and conditions of an NWP, regional general permit, or an individual permit. USACE will evaluate unauthorized activities for enforcement action under 33 CFR part 326. The district engineer (DE) may elect to suspend enforcement proceedings if the permittee modifies his project to comply with an NWP or a regional general permit. After considering whether a violation was knowing or intentional, and other indications of the need for a penalty, the DE can elect to terminate an enforcement proceeding with an after-the-fact authorization under an NWP, if all terms and conditions of the NWP have been satisfied, either before or after the activity has been accomplished.
For specific information on the types of Nationwide permits in the Savannah District please refer to the Nationwide Permits, General Conditions, and Definitions or the summary table. The Savannah District has its own set of Regional Conditions that apply within the State of Georgia for all Nationwide Permits. Regional Conditions are asserted by the DE using discretionary authority to ensure that the NWP would not result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively. The Regional Conditions may be for a specific geographic area, class of activity, or class of waters within the State whenever there is sufficient concerns for the environment under the section 404(b)(1) Guidelines or any other factor of the public interest so requires.
To apply for a Nationwide permit use the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form. In order to satisfy a regional condition, please refer to List of Anadromous Fisheries Waters. If applicable to your project please fill out the State of Georgia Revocable License Request and/or the State of Georgia Procedures and Notification Form.
2021 Nationwide Permits:
2017 Nationwide Permits: