Programmatic General Permits

A Programmatic General Permit purpose is to reduce the duplication of permitting effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and another agency. The majority of the categories of work authorized under a PGP are for minor actions which are currently authorized by existing USACE Nationwide and Regional General Permits. The implementation of the PGP will eliminate the need for separate approval from Corps for minor work located in waters of the United States, including navigable waters, when that work is authorized by the a separate agency. Below is a list of the available Programmatic General Permits within the Savannah District. For more information on how to apply please select the appropriate PGP.

  • PGPs 2 -14 - Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell, Lake Thurmond
  • PGP 36 - Placement of materials at established offshore fishing reefs
  • PGP 37 - Placement of materials at established inshore fishing reefs
  • PGPs 40-62 - Minor activities in Lakes Operated by Mobile District
  • PGP 58 - Minor work and structures in Lake Blackshear Flint River
  • PGPs 69-81 - Minor activities in 17 Georgia Power Lakes
  • PGP 98 - Minor Structures and Work in Tennessee Valley Authority Reservoirs
  • PGP 100 - Existing Floating Cabins and Associated Maintenance on Blue Ridge Reservoir

Contact Us

Coastal Branch:  (912)-652-5893
Piedmont Branch:  (678)-422-2735
