J. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake

Recreation Areas - Status of Corps Boat Ramps

At the J. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake, due to impacts by Hurricane Helene all day-use parks, campgrounds, boat ramps, and trails, unless noted below, will be closed until further notice. We are working diligently to ensure quick but safe access for the public. Please refrain from entering all areas as we are completing hazard inspections. During this time, the Visitor Center will remain open for operation during the week, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but closed on weekends and Federal Holidays.

Update 02/10/2025

Areas now open- Please use discretion and be vigilant while visiting open areas as hazards may still be present.

Area Name County, State

    O = OPEN
    X = CLOSED

Amity Rec. Area McDuffie, GA O
Bussey Point Lincoln, GA X
Calhoun Falls Ramp McCormick, SC O
Chamberlain Ferry Ramp Lincoln, GA X
Clarks Hill Park McCormick, SC O
Dordon Creek Ramp McCormick, SC O
Double Branches Ramp Lincoln, GA X
Gill Point Ramp Lincoln, GA O
Keg Creek Ramp Columbia, GA O
Lake Springs Park Columbia, GA X
Leathersville Ramp Lincoln, GA O
LeRoy's Ferry Campground McCormick, SC X
Modoc Ramp McCormick, SC O
Morrahs Ramp Elbert, GA O
Mt. Pleasant Ramp McCormick, SC X
Murry Creek Ramp Lincoln, GA O
Parksville Rec. Area McCormick, SC O
Scotts Ferry Ramp (Old) McCormick, SC O
Scotts Ferry Ramp (New) McCormick, SC  O

NOTICE: The information on this page may contain errors. Use this information as an approximation only. Launching ability will also depend on type vehicle, boat, and trailer. In addition, ramps with siltation buildup or damage may be unusable much earlier. Always use caution when launching or retrieving a boat, especially when lake levels are lower than normal. The full pool elevation of Thurmond Lake is 330 feet above mean sea level (ft-msl). The elevations below are listed in ft-msl. Regarding ramps with multiple lanes, the lanes are numbered left to right as if you were standing at top of ramp and looking down.


Boat Ramp Bottom Elevations-Revised January 2018