• September

    Army Under Secretary touts economic benefits of Savannah harbor deepening

    SAVANNAH, Ga.—"That's what it's all about—right behind me," says the U.S. Army's second highest-ranking civilian leader, Under Secretary Joseph W. Westphal, as he motions to the mammoth cranes, cargo containers, and semi-trucks bustling around him.
  • August

    Corps improves Savannah harbor dredge disposal areas

    When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredges sediment from the bottom of the Savannah river to maintain the depth of the shipping channel, where does all that material go? It's called a dredge material containment area (DCMA), commonly known as a dredge disposal area. The Corps' Savannah District maintains seven active DMCAs along the South Carolina side of the Savannah river, where dredged material is safely placed and managed.
  • Fifth graders learn economic value of Savannah harbor deepening

    To a room full of fifth graders, a one dollar bill gets attention. But the idea of turning that $1 into $5.50 thrills them! That's the benefit-to-cost ratio for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP)—a plan to deepen the Savannah River shipping channel from 42 feet to 47 feet to accommodate larger ships and increase shipping efficiencies.
  • New commander visits Savannah wildlife refuge and harbor

    Exactly one month from the day he took command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District, Col. Thomas J. Tickner paid a visit to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge and took a survey vessel tour of the Savannah River, Aug. 19.
  • Savannah District renovation project receives Corps Excellence Award

    The $168 million renovation of the Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCOE) Headquarters, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District project located at Fort Benning, Ga., earned the 2013 Chief of Engineers Award of Excellence in the “Building the Future” category.
  • July

    Corps Construction Representative Awarded Bronze de Fluery Medal

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District employee James Myers was recently recognized with the Bronze Order of the de Fluery Medal during a ceremony at Forward Operating Base Gamberi, Afghanistan.
  • Corps talks STEM at Boy Scouts Summerfest

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – A group of 275 scouts representing seven states explored potential career paths in