• August

    One person, big impact on small businesses

    Her office may be small (she’s the only small business specialist) but Leila Hollis packs a big punch when it comes to giving small companies an edge in working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. So much so, her management of a $600 million program earned her a 2017 Women of Color Technology All Star award.
  • July

    Wetland acquisition advances SHEP progress

    The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) continues to make progress, most recently demonstrated by the completion of another environmental mitigation requirement. After acquiring Abercorn Island in February, the Georgia Department of Transportation recently transferred the 2,080-acre property to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • April

    Vigilant Guard ’17: Corps fights flooding with Ga. Nat’l Guard, City of Augusta

    AUGUSTA, Ga. – As a CH-47 Chinook helicopter roared overhead and a company of soldiers worked to protect the city from a rising Savannah River, David Peterson smiled, comfortable in his element. “This is like Christmas,” said a visibly excited Peterson, chief of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District’s Emergency Management Division.
  • March

    The future of the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam

    In December, Congress passed a law which will impact the Savannah River Basin. The Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, known as the WIIN Act, became public law Dec. 16, 2016. A specific section of this law directly affects the Savannah River just below Augusta.
  • February

    Contractors on pace to finish 5 SHEP-related features in 2017

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – To say Spencer Davis has a few irons in the fire is an understatement. As the senior project manager for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, or SHEP, Davis manages the multimillion-dollar project that has eight separate environmental mitigation features outside of the actual harbor and entrance channel deepening. Now more than two years in, contractors continue to push the project forward on several fronts and are expected to wrap up four contracts this year.
  • January

    Durham Recreation Area on Lake Hartwell to close for construction

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Hartwell Project Office will indefinitely close Durham Recreation Area, located in Anderson County, S.C., on Jan. 23, 2017, for construction of a water treatment plant.
  • Camp Mackall hangar receives top industry awards

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials recently unveiled a new, award-winning facility to house tactical unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for the XVIII Airborne Corps, one of the Army’s elite units based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
  • Above the rim: SHEP storage impoundment progresses

    The aerial photo displays construction progress on the Raw Water Storage Impoundment, as part of the
  • December

    New arrivals push DO system closer to completion

    Workers delivered four Speece cones to the downriver Dissolved Oxygen Injection System site, Dec.
  • Speece cones arrive at mitigation site

    Savannah, GA -- Workers unload four Speece cones delivered Dec. 14, 2016, to an Army Corps of
  • Route to the Drought

    A look back at 2016 provides insight into how the Savannah River Basin reached Drought Level 2 and
  • November

    Engineers assess integrity of Fort Bragg infrastructure following Hurricane Matthew

    Flooding and wind damage brought on by the late season Hurricane Matthew tested not only the resilience of the Fort Bragg community but the integrity of its sprawling and aging infrastructure.
  • Outer harbor dredging moves closer to home

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – As part of the outer harbor dredging portion of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, the Dredge Illinois was recently repositioned off Cockspur Island in the main navigation channel of the Savannah River. Dredged material is being placed on Jones-Oysterbed Island.
  • 'Boiling hot' leads to cool results: Army employs hot new approach to environmental remediation

    HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Army officials are breaking ground on a decades-long environmental remediation project to lift contaminants out of acres of land located on Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, Alabama.
  • October

    Savannah District teams up to keep commerce flowing

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – While many Savannah residents clogged roads returning home following Hurricane Matthew last week, a small group worked to ensure a major artery into the city — the Savannah River – remained clear.
  • USACE Chief of Engineers tracks Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chief of Engineers Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite visited the Savannah District Oct. 13 to track progress of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, one of 15 most significant projects across USACE.
  • Check our Social Media pages for Hurricane Recovery Updates

    Employees of the Savannah District are encouraged to monitor the district's Facebook page
  • September

    Hunter Army Airfield’s Fuel Island goes ‘green’

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – Fuel Island at Hunter Army Airfield now hosts the 21st century standard for fuel systems after about $13 million in infrastructure improvements and construction work which began in 2014.
  • SHEP mitigation projects trucking along

    Nearly two decades in the making, the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, or SHEP, continues to gain momentum with more contracts awarded and new ground broken.
  • SHEP's water impoundment nearly 30% complete

    Now almost 30 percent complete, the raw-water storage impoundment dike walls are currently four feet above ground level. With a circumference of two-thirds of a mile, they will be 29 feet high, encircle 17 acres and hold 97 million gallons of water when complete.