Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not addressed below, please call the Hartwell Lake office at (706) 856-0300, or toll free 1-888-893-0678.
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Expand List item 9280Collapse List item 9280  1.  What do the orange/red markings on trees indicate?

A. Trees with orange/red markings on them are witness trees near the government boundary line. There are four different markings used to indicate the location of the government boundary line. More detail on what these markings mean can be found in Exhibit VII of the Hartwell Project Shoreline Management Plan. Please be advised that these marked trees are not the exact boundary line, but only witness the boundary line. The Corps urges adjacent private property owners to have their private property surveyed by a licensed surveyor to identify exact boundaries. The Hartwell Project Office can provide information specific to the government boundary line if needed. Adjacent private property owners are reminded that all land below the government property line is public land. Any proposed facilities/activities on public land must be approved and permitted by the Hartwell Project Office. There is no Corps required setback from the government boundary line, however, any unauthorized facilities/activities, and/or encroachments over the government boundary (including overhangs) will not be permitted and will require removal.

Expand List item 9282Collapse List item 9282  2.  Why does the distance from the government boundary line to the shoreline vary?

A. The government boundary line is based on a contour or elevation. Because contours vary according to topography, so does the distance between the shoreline of Hartwell Lake and the government boundary line. Lands necessary for the construction of the Hartwell Project were acquired under the "Eisenhower Policy", which limited land acquisition to that necessary for project purposes.

Based on flood stage information and the topography of the area, the prescribed purchase boundary for the Hartwell Project was set at elevation 670 msl. This does not mean that the boundary follows a concise 670 contour however. By using aerial photos and topographical maps, ground crews placed iron pins and concrete monuments at elevations that would include land required for operational purposes. With few exceptions, the government boundary follows straight lines between these pins/monuments. Because the government boundary line runs straight from pin to pin, the distance between the shoreline and the boundary line varies more so than a true contour line.

Expand List item 9330Collapse List item 9330  3.  What do the different colors on the maps indicate?

A.  The maps referred to are the Shoreline Allocation Maps shown as Exhibit I of the Hartwell Project Shoreline Management Plan. The different colors designate the different allocations, or zoning, of public land adjacent to the Hartwell Project. These allocations represent what uses a certain area of public land is allocated for, and directly impacts what private use facilities/activities may be permitted on public land. In short, areas shown as green are allocated as Limited Development areas. These are areas where private use facilities/activities such as boat docks, underbrushing, etc. may be considered. Yellow areas are allocated as Protected Shoreline areas. Some private use facilities may be considered here, however, no new boat dock permits will be authorized within these areas. Red areas represent developed or designated Public Recreation areas. No private use facilities/activities will be authorized within the limits of a red area. Orange represents Prohibited Access areas where private use permits also will not be considered. For more detail on shoreline allocations and their uses, please se paragraph 10 of the Hartwell Project Shoreline Management Plan. The Hartwell Project Office advises that these maps should only be used as a reference. Adjacent private property owners or prospective owners are encouraged to contact the Hartwell Project Office for exact determination of the allocation/zoning of a particular area.


Expand List item 9332Collapse List item 9332  4.  What determines if an adjacent private property qualifies for a dock permit?
A.  "Dockability" of property is outlined in detail in paragraphs 10-14 of the Hartwell Project Shoreline Management Plan. To determine the "dockability of a particular property, please contact the Hartwell Project Office to arrange for a ranger to conduct a field inspection of the site in question. "Dockability" depends on many factors such as shoreline zoning, location, and spacing from other structures. Each site is unique, and a field inspection is the only method to positively determine dock possibilities. The Hartwell Project Office encourages prospective buyers to request a field inspection prior to purchasing property on Hartwell Lake.

Expand List item 9333Collapse List item 9333  5.  If a dock and/or any other permitted facilities are already in place at a particular site, does this mean they can automatically be permitted to me if I purchase the adjacent private property?

A.  No. Although the vast majority of permitted facilities/activities on public land can be permitted to a new owner of the adjacent private property, there are cases where such facilities/activities cannot be permitted to a new owner. Some facilities/activities are issued to present owners as "grandfathered" facilities. These facilities may remain as long as the present permittee owns the adjacent private property, but must be removed upon sale or transfer of ownership. The Hartwell Project Office encourages prospective buyers to inquire about existing permits prior to purchasing property on Hartwell Lake.


Expand List item 9334Collapse List item 9334  6.  Are existing permits transferable?

A.  No. Shoreline Use Permits are issued for a five year term, however, if the adjacent private property is sold or transferred to a new owner, the existing permit becomes null and void at the time of sale/transfer. The new owner is responsible for contacting the Hartwell Project Office to obtain a new five year permit. If the location in question has an old permit tag displayed with an expiration date on it, please disregard the date shown. Expiration dates are no longer printed on the new permit tags. Expiration dates are tracked on computer and the "paper" copy of a permit (copy of which is provided to the permittee). If you have questions concerning the expiration date of a permit, please contact the Hartwell Project Office.


Expand List item 9335Collapse List item 9335  7.  How do I obtain a Shoreline Use Permit?
A.  First, contact the Hartwell Project Office to arrange an appointment with the ranger responsible for working the corresponding area of the lake. Please be prepared to give the ranger specific directions to your lake property and any other pertinent details, such as previous owners name, existing Shoreline Use Permit No. (if applicable), lot no., and subdivision name. At the appointment, the ranger will inspect public land adjacent to your private property, explain in detail the rules, regulations, and policies related to Shoreline Use Permits, and take your application. Please be prepared to provide the following: recorded deed and plat of the adjacent private property, construction plans for a boat dock (if applicable), and the permit fee (See question 8 below for fee list). In addition to the standard items listed above, other items may be necessary to issue the permit depending on what facilities/activities for which you apply. Please be sure to discuss in detail what your particular requests are with the ranger when setting up the appointment, so that he or she can inform you of the items needed.

Please be aware that this appointment is an application only, and that no facilities and/or activities can be constructed or undertaken on public land until an approved, signed copy of the permit is received.