US Army Corps of Engineers
Savannah District Website

Savannah Harbor Expansion Project


Engineering Supplemental Studies
1.1.1 Design Estimate Fish Passage Facility December
1.1.2 Value Engineering Study Summary Report SHEP June 2008
1.1.3 New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Fish Passage Facility Engineering Report, December 2002
1.1.4 Oxygen Injection Design Report October 2010
1.1.5 Development of the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models January 2006
1.1.6 Habitat Impacts of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project October 2006
1.1.7 Chloride Data Analysis and Model Development November 2006
1.1.8 Water Quality Impacts of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project February 2007
1.1.9 Simulations of Water Levels and Salinity in the Rivers and Tidal Marshes 2006
1.1.10 DOTS Request for Tech Assist Dredge Vertical Const Accuracy March 2006
1.1.11 Memorandum Subject Harbor Entrance Channel Simulations 2010 March 2010
1.1.12 Memorandum Subject Savannah Harbor Simulations Study 2009 March 2009
1.1.13 Navigation Study for Savannah Harbor Channel Improvements September 2004
1.1.14 Impacts of Savannah Harbor Expansion Project October 2006
1.1.15 Entrance Channel Nearshore Placement of Dredged Material Study July 2003
1.1.16 Vertical Ship Motion Study for Savannah, GA Entrance Channel June 2011
1.1.17 Ship Forces on the Shoreline of the Savannah Harbor Project August 2006
1.1.18 Correspondence Regarding Hydrodynamic & Water Quality Model Acceptability
1.1.19 Channel Extension Boring Locations (2010)
1.1.20 Chloride Impact Evaluation Impacts of Harbor Deepening Only February 2007
1.1.21 Hurricane Surge Modeling September 2005
1.1.22 Memorandum Subject Material Fines for Harbor Sediments August 2003
1.1.23 Supplemental Water Supply to City Intake at Abercorn Creek April 2011
1.1.24 Savannah Harbor Expansion Bank Erosion Study November 2006
1.1.25 Bank Erosion Study Update June 2011
1.1.26 Savannah Harbor Expansion Bank Stability Report July 2010
1.1.27 Dredged Material Physical Analysis Report 2002 
                  Part A
                  Part B
                  Part C
                  Part D
                  Part E
                  Part F
                  Part G
                  Part H
1.1.28 Evaluation of Chloride Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Dec 2007
1.1.29 Eval of Fishery Habitat Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Jan 2010
1.1.30 Evaluation of Hurricane Surge Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Dec 2007
1.1.31 Evaluation of MarshWetland Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Nov 2007
1.1.32 Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Sep 2009
1.1.33 Mitigation Evaluation for Marsh Wetland Impacts November 2007
                   Part A
                   Part B
1.1.34 Sensitivity Analysis of Proposed Navigation Meeting Areas Sep 2009
1.1.35 Sensitivity Analysis of Proposed Sill on Middle River September 2009

Potential Ground-Water Impacts to the Upper Floridan Aquifer June 2007
                   Part A 
                   Part B     
                   Part C

1.1.37 Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluation February 2007
1.1.38 Data Analysis and Modeling Expectations of Federal Agencies Nov 2001
1.1.39 SHEP Dredged Material Management Plan January 2012
1.1.40 SHEP Impacts to OM January 2012
1.1.41 Savannah Harbor Long Term Management Strategy August 1996
1.1.42 Sediment Quality Evaluation January 2012
1.1.43 Correspondence Regarding Pipeline Crossings May 2008
1.1.44 Sedimentation Analysis July 2009
1.1.45 SHEP ATM MSM Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluations May 2007
                   Part A
                   Part B
                   Part C
                   Part D
                   Part E
1.1.46 SHEP USGS MSM Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluations June 2007 
                   Part A
                   Part B
                   Part C
                   Part D
                   Part E
1.1.47 Screening Level Eval of Measures to Improve DO in the Sav River Estuary
       Part A 
       Part B
       Part C
       Part D
       Part E
       Part F
       Part G
1.1.48 Savannah Harbor Reoxygenation Demonstration Project
       Part A 
       Part B
       Part C
       Part D
       Part E
       Part F
       Part G
       Part H
       Part I
1.1.49 Savannah Harbor Reoxygenation Demonstration Project August 2009
       Part A 
       Part B
       Part C
       Part D
       Part E
       Part F
       Part G
       Part H
       Part I
       Part J
1.1.50 Modeling of GPA's Oxygen Injection Demonstration Project July 2009
1.1.51 Adult SNS (Sum) Habitat Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 11, 2011
1.1.52 Adult SNS (Win) Habitat Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 9, 2011
1.1.53 Juvenile SNS (Win) Habitat Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 9, 2011
1.1.54 SHEP Chloride Modeling Savannah Harbor Expansion Project
1.1.55 Impact of Sav Navigation Project on Tybee Island Shelf and Shoreline Apr 2008
1.1.56 Assessment of Chloride Impact from Savannah Harbor Deepening April 29, 2011
1.1.57 Reanalysis of Ship Forces at the Shoreline in Savannah Harbor July 2011
1.1.58 USGS Report: Simulation of Specific Conductance and Chloride Concentration
1.1.59 Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Channel Extension Evaluation July 2011
1.1.60 Eval of MarshWetland Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan (Addendum) Jul 2011
1.1.61 Analysis of Oxygen Injection in the Back River July 26, 2011
1.1.62 Model Comparison Report July 29, 2011
1.1.63 Savannah Seawater Effects Study December 2011



Raw Water Storage Impoundment Geotechnical Evaluation December 2011